[uf-new] PROPOSAL: Replace hAudio FN with TITLE

Tim White tjameswhite at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 05:56:53 PST 2008

On Feb 15, 2008 7:34 PM, Ben Ward <lists at ben-ward.co.uk> wrote:>
> 'Title' came from vcard, and trying to bodge its semantics into
> hAudio is just going to create a mess.
> Regarding FN, I happen to agree. It's very generic and works in place
> of something-called-title, but the name is unintuitive. I don't think
> that helps publishers.

If this is the argument for not using 'title' ("it came from vcard")
then the same holds true for 'fn':

"3.1.1 FN Type Definition
Type purpose: To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name
   of the object the vCard represents." [1]

FN can *not* be reused because it has already been defined as part of vCard.

We shall now have to extend that to all formats -- if the name exists
in one is off limits for others.

I have pointed out in a prior email that the 'title' issue holds true
for citations, it will also hold true for works of art, media, etc.
Based on mf practices of looking at how items are currently published,
'title' is already being used.

People first, machines second. To me that means create
easy-to-understand-and-adopt formats and let the parsers (and those
who build them) figure out what the 'title' (or other property)
belongs to.

Manu, please correct my logic. : )


[1] From http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2426.txt; referenced from

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