[uf-new] Statement of Principles/code of conduct - any prior work ?

Mark Ng mark at markng.me.uk
Thu Nov 13 05:23:08 PST 2008

2008/11/13 Toby A Inkster <mail at tobyinkster.co.uk>:
> A wider viewpoint would be to say that you want a way to associate a page
> with a standard with which it complies. This might be an ethical statement,
> but could also be a safety standard, or a law. This is similar to the
> previously posed ecolabel idea.

Yup, and this is a very useful pattern.  One important use case your
example below misses though is distinguishing between different types
of standards you comply to.  If you're trying, for example to compile
a list of different journalistic codes, it's not very helpful if you
end up with a bunch of laws and ecological policies at the same time

How would an RDFa example change to account for this ? (considering me
RDFa-stupid, as I've done very very little with it).

> http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-ecolabel#RDFa

Is this something worth encoding as a microformat as well as RDFa, too ?

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