[uf-rest] Don Box on Hi-REST vs. Lo-REST

Dr.Ernie Prabhakar drernie at opendarwin.org
Sun Mar 19 16:13:30 PST 2006

I thought this was a very useful distinction.  I find myself (as a  
pragmatist) more drawn to Lo-REST, but I do feel guilty about not  
using Hi-REST.  At least now I have a name for what I feel guilty  
about. ;-)

-- Ernie P.



To get a more accurate picture of what we've done so far, I'll break  
this category in two: Lo-Rest, which is the use of HTTP GET (or  
equiv) for information retrieval/query, and Hi-Rest, which is  
characterized by the use of HTTP PUT and DELETE (or equiv) for doing  

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