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(started matrix for parsing rules, move this page if needed)
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Revision as of 16:26, 11 September 2007


This is a braindump, this page will need cleaning-up, take everything with a grain of salt at the moment.

By Element

This is a matrix of element and type. This should be describe under what circumstances each value and where that value comes from. The list of elements has been taken from

data types

(this probably needs a better name) There are two types in microformats, protocol types and strings. Strings could be integers, such as ratings, strings, such as a note, or datetimes, such as dtstart. Protocol types are UIDs, URLs, email addresses, (sometimes Telephones and faxes)

If there is a comma list, then this is in order of availability. For instance, the ABBR element is @title,node-value. IF the @title is present then it is used, if not the stack is popped and node-value is looked at, if there is no node-value, then the value is NULL.

protocol string
A @href,node-value node-value
ABBR @title,node-value @title,node-value
ACRONYM @title,node-value @title,node-value
ADDRESS node-value node-value
APPLET ??? ???(node-value)
AREA @href,node-value node-value
B node-value node-value
BASE (valid?) @href
BASEFONT (valid?)
BDO (valid?)
BIG node-value node-value
BLOCKQUOTE @cite?,node-value node-value
BODY node-value node-value
BR (valid?)
BUTTON @value? @value?
CAPTION node-value node-value
CENTER node-value node-value
CITE node-value node-value
CODE node-value node-value
COL node-value node-value
COLGROUP node-value node-value
DD node-value node-value
DEL @cite,node-value node-value
DFN node-value node-value
DIR node-value node-value
DIV node-value node-value
DL node-value node-value
DT node-value node-value
EM node-value node-value
FIELDSET node-value node-value
FONT node-value node-value
FORM @action?,node-value node-value
FRAME @src?,node-value node-value
FRAMESET node-value node-value
H1 node-value node-value
H2 node-value node-value
H3 node-value node-value
H4 node-value node-value
H5 node-value node-value
H6 node-value node-value
HEAD (valid?) node-value node-value
HR (valid?) node-value node-value
HTML (valid?) node-value node-value
node-value node-value