Revision as of 21:11, 11 October 2005 by DrErnie (talk | contribs) (→Forms Brainstorming: backlink)
Forms Brainstorming
This page collects ideas from forms-examples how to best encode form data into a microformat
Best design pattern so far
DETH = Dictionaries Encoding/Transmitting HTML
<a class="deth" href="">label</a>
<form class="deth" action="" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td><label for="firstname">First name:</label></td> <td><input type="text" id="firstname"></td> </tr><tr> <td><label for="lastname">Last name:</label></td> <td><input type="text" id="lastname"></td> </tr><tr> <td><label for="email">Email:</label></td> <td><input type="text" id="email"></td> </tr><tr> <td><label for="sex">Sex:</label></td> <td> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male">Male </input> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female">Female </input> </td> </tr><tr> <td><label for="age">Age:</label></td> <td><select> <option val=0>< 18 </option> <option val=18>18-64 </option> <option val=65>65+ </option> </td></select> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="Send" /> <input type="reset" /> </form>