Revision as of 07:47, 7 September 2005 by (talk)
chat examples
Examples of how chat transcripts are marked up currently, with the idea of moving towards a
IRC transcripts
These are plantext logs with space separated fields, so are posted wrapped in <pre>
12:06 Tantek: what does the datetime stamp represent? 12:07 KevinMarks: in iRC, when it was said 12:07 Tantek: is it a point in time *before* they started speaking? 12:07 Tantek: or *after*? 12:07 Tantek: or somewhere in the *middle*? 12:07 KevinMarks: usually it is quantised to seconds 12:07 KevinMarks: and it is time the msg was received 12:07 Tantek: but the second they started typing or pressed return? 12:08 KevinMarks: prssed return i think
Or as plaintext + <br> (eg
(22:20) gturneruk: oh, i just remembered. windows 95 is ten years old today
(22:22) Suw: good god. i mean, i shouldn't be surprised, it being 2005 and all. but still, where did that time go?
(22:22) gturneruk: lost clusters
(22:23) Suw: i obviously need to defrag
iChat transcripts
iChat handles timestamps differently, inserting them between statement blocks, every 5 minutes.
12:25 AM Reconnecting to tantekatwork… Kevin Marks: So, iChat shows timestamps between entries Tantek: yes Tantek: what about Adium? 12:30 AM Kevin Marks: my copy is 230 days old...