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This page is for organizing a party for the upcoming 4th birthday of One of several microformats events.
If you'd like to help out, please add your name!
Please sign up to sponsor the 4th birthday party!
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I'm donating my time before the event to help plan and make the party happen!
- Tantek Çelik - coordinating
- Rohit Khare - venue, sponsors
- Kevin Marks - venue, sponsors
- Ben Ward - tshirts, sponsors
- contact Dan Cederholm re: current/previous design and vendor used
- Lauren Scime - design / venue / sponsors / publicity?
- party graphics - Main Upcoming graphic, badges/banners to put on your blog, other print collateral such as stickers & possibly buttons??? Other suggestions for graphics/collateral?
- possibly redesign the "Microformats Cheat Sheet" - either for party or at least by MicroformatsDevCamp, also will communicate with venue, sponsors
- Jeremy Anderson - will help Lauren w/design, etc.
We need:
- a volunteer coordinator. someone to coordinate the volunteers listed below.
- stickers - Lauren is on it
- tshirts - Ben is on it
Sign up to be a volunteer! We need volunteers to check people in at the door, take donations, hand out stickers, t-shirts etc.
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Some thoughts on donations:
- take donations at the door, sliding scale $5-$20. $10 or more gets you a t-shirt.
- donations go towards the party and microformatsDevCamp this summer.
I want to show up and help celebrate so I'm signing up here and stating what dates work for me:
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There are several possibilities for venue, let's figure out what makes the most sense:
- 111 Minna
- 21st Amendment mezzanine
- capacity: 38 people seated, ~50 standing drinks plus appetizers.
- cost: no charge for user groups
- Varnish
- available for the 20th;
- costs $350/hr with non-profit discount (one hour setup is free)
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We could do this on either June 19th (Friday) or June 20th (Saturday) depending on venue and attendee availability.