Current Blog Formats
There is a need for developing standard classes for blog posts (i.e. a microformat!).
This page serves to document the current list of individual blog post schemas, formats, and efforts as background for the design of a simple blog post MicroFormat.
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- varies per theme
Typepad is a MovableType hosting service. It provides a list of default templates and [ "template modules"] from which users can construct or modify their own templates. Looking at several Typepad blogs, most or all of them following the nomenclature and struct defined by these templates.
The individual entry looks something like this:
<h2 class="date-header">the date of the posting (optional)</h2> <div class="entry" id="entry-#####"> <h3 class="entry-header">POST TITLE</h3> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="entry-body"> POST CONTENT </div> <a id="more"></a> <div class="entry-more"> MORE POST CONTENT </div> </div> <p class="entry-footer"> POST FOOTER </p> </div>
All the entries (on the main page) are inclosed in this structure:
<body class="layout-two-column-right"> <div id="container"> <div id="container-inner" class="pkg"> <div id="pagebody"> <div id="pagebody-inner" class="pkg"> <div id="alpha"> <div id="alpha-inner" class="pkg"> INDIVIDUAL ENTRY </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body>
I cannot seem to track down in the templates where the POST FOOTER is defined. However, we can see the results from a sample blog:
<span class="post-footers">Posted by AUTHOR_NAME in CATEGORY</span> <span class="separator">|</span> <a class="permalink" href="ENTRY_URI">Permalink</a> | <a href="COMMENT_URI">Comments (2)</a> | <a href="TRACKBACKS_URI">TrackBack (0)</a>
Key Elements
- "entry" encloses all elements within an entry
- "entry-content" contains all the entry text, plus additional text saying "here's more"
- "entry-header" contains the title of the post
- "permalink" contains the post's URI
- there is no clear identification of "here's all the entries"
- there is no clear identification of the post's author
Examples from the wild
- Early work on extending standardized nodes in Drupal:
- Microformat-style hooks in forum posts for Javascript annotation: