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Consider using this format (copy and paste this to the end of the list to add your issues; replace ~~~ with an external link if preferred) to report issues or feedback, so that issues can show up in hAtom subscriptions of this issues page. If open issues lack this markup, please add it.
Please post one issue per entry, to make them easier to manage. Avoid combining multiple issues into single reports, as this can confuse or muddle feedback, and puts a burden of separating the discrete issues onto someone else who 1. may not have the time, and 2. may not understand the issue in the same way as the original reporter.
<div class="hentry">
<span class="entry-summary author vcard">
<span class="published">2011-MM-DD</span>
raised by <span class="fn">~~~</span>
<div class="entry-content discussion issues">
* <strong class="entry-title">«Short title of issue»</strong>. «Description of Issue»
** Follow-up comment #1
** Follow-up comment #2
see also
- hAudio
- hAudio cheatsheet - hAudio properties.
- hAudio authoring - learn how to add hAudio markup to your existing web pages.
- hAudio issues - issues with the specification.
- Audio info issues - issues with the preparatory work.
- hAudio brainstorming - ideas for the specification.
- hAudio-history - the history of the research and development of hAudio.