hReview 0.3
hReview はHTMLやXHTML, Atom, RSS, 任意のXMLなどにレビュー(商品、サービス、ビジネス、イベントなど)を埋め込むのに適したシンプルかつオープンで分散型のフォーマットです。hReviewはオープンスタンダードなmicroformatsの一つです。
hReviewを使い始めてみたいなら、hReview creatorでレビューを書いて、作成したコードをページに貼り付けてみてください。
Microformats Draft Specification 2006-02-22
- Editor
- Tantek Çelik (Technorati, Inc.)
- Authors
- Tantek Çelik (Technorati, Inc.)
- Ali Diab (Yahoo! Inc.)
- Ian McAllister (Microsoft Corporation)
- John Panzer (America Online, Inc.)
- Adam Rifkin (CommerceNet Labs)
- Michael Sippey (Six Apart, Ltd)
Microformats copyright and patents statements apply.
こういったレビューの共有、配布、シンジケーション(配信)、アグリゲーション(集約)を可能にし、促進するため、hReview マイクロフォーマットを提案します。これはレビュー配布のオープンスタンダードです。既存の色々なレビューの例や、レビュー形式についての先人の試みを調べ、レビューのおおよそ最小のスキーマとして hReview を設計しました。フィードバックは hReview フィードバックページにお願いします。
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Inspiration and Acknowledgments
hReview 開発参加のオープンな呼び掛けに応えてくれた皆さんに感謝します。特に次の人たちに、建設的な意見とフィードバックを頂いたことに謝意を示したいと思います。Richard Ault、Danny Ayers、Jeffrey Barr、Adrian Cuthbert、Jason DeFillippo、Brian Del Vecchio、Scott Derringer、Bud Gibson、Joi Ito、Gen Kanai、Niall Kennedy、Rohit Khare、Ryan King、Jonas Luster、Kevin Marks、Mark Nottingham、Derek Powazek、Jeff Rodenburg、David Sifry、James Stewart、Adriaan Tijsseling、Phillip Torrone、Thai Tran、Phillip Winn、YAMAMOTO Yohei。
多くのレビューでは、いくつか一般的な項目が共通しています。この最小の共通部分に基いている所では、hReview が使えます。
Out of scope
hReview ではレビューの種類固有のフィールドは除外されています。初めからシンプルかつ最小であり続けることが重要なのです。機能の追加は実装上必要だと認められた時に行われます。
「universal object identifier(統一物品識別子)」の概念――異なるショッピングサイトからいかにして同じ物品・項目・製品を特定するか――は、とても役に立つものもありますが、このフォーマットの範囲外です。
Semantic XHTML Design Principles
Note: the Semantic XHTML Design Principles were written primarily within the context of developing hCard and hCalendar, thus it may be easier to understand these principles in the context of the hCard design methodology (i.e. read that first). Tantek
XHTML is built on XML, and thus XHTML based formats can be used not only for convenient display presentation, but also for general purpose data exchange. In many ways, XHTML based formats exemplify the best of both HTML and XML worlds. However, when building XHTML based formats, it helps to have a guiding set of principles.
- Reuse the schema (names, objects, properties, values, types, hierarchies, constraints) as much as possible from pre-existing, established, well-supported standards by reference. Avoid restating constraints expressed in the source standard. Informative mentions are ok.
- For types with multiple components, use nested elements with class names equivalent to the names of the components.
- Plural components are made singular, and thus multiple nested elements are used to represent multiple text values that are comma-delimited.
- Use the most accurately precise semantic XHTML building block for each object etc.
- Otherwise use a generic structural element (e.g.
), or the appropriate contextual element (e.g. an<li>
inside a<ul>
). - Use class names based on names from the original schema, unless the semantic XHTML building block precisely represents that part of the original schema. If names in the source schema are case-insensitive, then use an all lowercase equivalent. Components names implicit in prose (rather than explicit in the defined schema) should also use lowercase equivalents for ease of use. Spaces in component names become dash '-' characters.
- Finally, if the format of the data according to the original schema is too long and/or not human-friendly, use
instead of a generic structural element, and place the literal data into the 'title' attribute (where abbr expansions go), and the more brief and human readable equivalent into the element itself. Further informative explanation of this use of<abbr>
: Human vs. ISO8601 dates problem solved
hReviewフォーマットは、現在ウェブ上にたくさんあるレビューサイトとフォーマットに共通して使われているフィールドに基づいています。 使用できるフィールド名は、hCardとhCalendar標準仕様に関連して定義されているものを元にして選ばれています。
- hReview (
. 任意。テキスト。summary
. 任意。テキスト- item
. 任意。 product | business | event | person | place | website | url. item
info. 必須。fn
) | hCard (人物または企業の場合) | hCalendar (イベントの場合)reviewer
. 任意。hCard。dtreviewed
. 任意。 ISO8601 絶対日時(absolute date time)rating
. 任意。固定小数点数 [1.0-5.0]。あるいは、任意のworst
(デフォルト:1.0) またはbest
. 任意。任意の妥当な HTML でマークアップされたテキスト。- tags. 任意。キーワードやフレーズ。rel-tagを使い、それぞれ任意の rating を持つ。
- permalink. 任意。rel-bookmarkとrel-selfを使う。
- license. 任意。rel-licenseを使う。
version:: この任意のフィールドには、コンテンツ中で使用しているhReviewのバージョンを指定することができます。このフィールドを省略すると、hReview仕様のv2.0またはそれ以降の任意のバージョンによって解釈をしていいと宣言したことになります。 実際には、この仕様の著者たちは、初期のバージョンの仕様によって生成されたコンテンツに対する後方互換性を維持することにコミットしています。 このフィールドはvCard RFC2426 section "3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition"で定義されている"VERSION"の文法と互換性があり、 結果としてそれを再利用したものになっています。 本仕様に対するこのフィールドの値は"0.3"です。
summary:: この任意のフィールドは、レビュー自体のタイトルを表します。
item type:: この"type"という任意のフィールドはレビューされるitemのタイプを示し、それらは、product、business、event、person、place, website、urlのいずれか一つです。省略されている場合は、そのitemのタイプを導出してよい場合があります。もしitemがhCardでもある場合は、そのitemのタイプはhCardの内容に基づいて"business"または"person"になります。もしitemがhCalendarのeventでもある場合は、itemのタイプは"event"です。
item info:: この必須フィールドは少なくともそのitem(1つのhReviewは、ただ1つのitemについて説明します)の名前("fn" - その名前に対応する整形済み文字列。ただし、イベントの item を除きます。イベントの場合は hCalendar の各 "vevent" の中に "summary" プロパティがなければなりません(MUST))を持たなければなりません(MUST)。そして、そのitemに対応する少なくとも1つのURI ("url")を持つべきです(SHOULD)。さらに、そのitemの写真または絵("photo")のURLを含めることができます(MAY)。 itemのタイプが"person"または"business"の場合は、そのitem info (fn, url, photo)はhCardの中に囲まれている必要があります(MUST)。 itemのタイプが"event"の場合は、そのitem infoはhCalendar veventの中に囲まれているべきです(SHOULD)。 itemのURLではないユニークな識別子(e.g. ISBN、UPC など)は、そのitemのURN ("url")として表現することができます(MAY)。 itemの内側に含まれるmicroformats (現在はhCardとhCalendar event)は、item自体にセットすることができます。(e.g. class="item vcard") しかし、item infoの下位プロパティ("fn"、"url"、"photo")を使用する場合は、それらはitemの要素の内側になければなりません(MUST)。
reviewer:: この任意のフィールドはレビューを書いた人を示します。
"reviewer"がhReviewの外側にもない場合、 パーザーは、そのドキュメントが使用している言語の中で定義されている著者を使うべきです。
すなわち、HTMLドキュメントの場合、 <address>
で示されているそのページについての連絡先(これは hCardで同様にマークアップされているのが理想的です)、Atom 1.0では、<entry>
dtreviewed:: 公開した時点に関するこの任意のフィールドは、レビューが書かれたか生み出された時点の ISO8601 絶対日時(absolute date time)を提供しなければなりません(MUST)。このフィールドは UTC を使うべき(SHOULD)ですが、タイムゾーンオフセット構文を使うこともできます(MAY)。hReview に dtreviewed が無い場合は、外部の、hReview を取り囲む文脈中を見ます。その文脈が hAtom エントリーだった場合、フィードの "published"(見つからなければ "updated")の日時を使います。それ以外の場合、dtreviewed として hReview を含む文書の(訳注:XML としての)言語(例えば Atom フィードの "published"/"updated" のような物)を参照して作成日時(見つからなければ更新日時)の情報を使い、それも無ければプロトコル(例えば HTTP Last-Modified や ファイルシステムの最終更新日時)を使います。
rating:: rating(格付け)は、項目の評価を含んだ 1.0 から 5.0 までの(精度が 10 進小数点以下一桁の)固定小数点数で、デフォルトでは高い値が良い評価を表します。任意で、別の "worst" または "best" またはその両方の数値を定義して違った範囲(例えば 0-10 の 6)を設定することもできます(MAY)。"best" の値を "worst" よりも小さい数にしてもかまいません。
description:: この任意のフィールドにはレビュアーの意見を書いたテキスト全文が入ります。このフィールドには妥当な HTML マークアップが含まれていてもかまいません(MAY)。ユーザーエージェントは全てのマークアップを保持するべきです(SHOULD)。多角的な記述や節をまたぐ記述(例えば賛否や長短)は description フィールドに含まれるべきです(SHOULD)。
tags:: タグはレビュアーが item と結びつけたキーワードやフレーズ(ここのキーワードやフレーズのタグには rel-tag マイクロフォーマットを使います)のリストを使って表現されます。レビュアーは任意で、そのタグに関する rating を各 rel-tag の中で提供することができます(MAY)。例:ambience:5。あるタグのデフォルトの rating は、もしあれば item 全体の rating 範囲を使います。worst~best を設定し直して使うこともできます(MAY)。レビュー著者は、その方が使いやすければ、同じ意味を保持しながらこの構造を逆転させることもできます(MAY)。つまり、評価付きのタグを表すのに rating の中に rel-tag を入れることもできるのです。注:評価付きのタグは、理想としては、そのタグが意味する物を説明しているタグスペース使うべきです(SHOULD)。例えば Food:18/30 というのは、Food タグとして 30 点中 18 点が何を意味しているのか説明している Food のタグスペースにリンクしているべきです(SHOULD)。
permalink:: この任意のフィールドは hReview の URL です。あるハイパーリンクがレビュー自身の固定リンクだと示すには、このフィールドの <a href>
タグに加えて、rel="self bookmark"
を使わなければなりません(MUST)。ハイパーリンクに既に rel
が含まれている場合は、この属性の中に空白で区切って self
と bookmark
という値を含めなければなりません(MUST)。索引作成者/プログラムは、(一つのページから何度も索引を作るなど)複数の情報源から同じレビューを特定して照合するための一意の ID として、レビューの固定リンクを使うことができます(MAY)。レビュー著者は固定リンクだと示すために、要素に "permalink" というクラス名を使うことができますが、必須ではありません。
license:: この任意のフィールドは、hReview の記事自身が基づいているライセンスへのリンクを表します。rel-license マイクロフォーマットを使います。
次のフィールド名は hCard と hCalendar マイクロフォーマットからの再利用です: version, summary, fn, url, photo, description
。さらに、hCard で記された item とレビュアーには hCard のどのフィールドが含まれていてもかまいません(MAY)。rel 属性の "self" という値は Atom 1.0 仕様からの再利用です。
More Semantic Equivalents
For some properties there is a more semantic equivalent, and therefore they get special treatment, e.g.:
- For any "url", use
<a class="url" href="...">...</a>
inside the element with the class name 'hreview' in hReview. - And for "photo", use
<img class="photo" src="..." alt="Photo of ..." />
- Ratings are often presented either as a set of images or characters, e.g. "***". For these, the
element is particularly useful, as such characters are an abbreviation for the precise rating, e.g.<abbr class="rating" title="3.0">***</abbr>
. This is further explored in the next section.
- To explicitly convey the natural language that an hReview is written in, use the standard HTML 'lang' attribute on the element with class="hreview", e.g.
<div class="hreview" lang="en"> ... </div>
If portions of an hReview (e.g. the item name) are in a different language, use the 'lang' attribute on those portions. - hReview processors which need to handle the language of reviews MUST process the standard HTML 'lang' attribute as specified.
Human vs. Machine Readable
If an <abbr>
element is used for a property, then its 'title
' attribute is used for the value of the property, instead of the contents of the element, which can then be used to provide a user-friendly alternate presentation of the value.
Similarly, if an <img />
element is used for one or more properties, it MUST be treated as follows:
- For the "photo" property and any other property that takes a URL as its value, the
attribute provides the property value. - For other properties, the
<img />
element's 'alt
' attribute is the value of the property.
Object Includes
hReview 0.3 includes support for the object include-pattern.
Often a single page lists an item, and then several reviews for that item. In order to avoid having to repeat the item info for each review of the item, the first review should be marked up as an hReview, with a unique "id" attribute on the item info, and then following reviews should use the object include-pattern to include the item info from the first review.
This section is informative.
- By marking up a review with the hReview microformat, the expectation is communicated that the review MAY be indexed. This has no impact on the copyright of the review itself which the publisher may explicitly specify using rel-license as specified above.
- The enumerated list of item types is under development and may be extended.
- Each type may have custom hReview fields that follow the common set.
- Additional details about a particular item should be specified with the rest of the item's info at the URL provided for the item.
- Most rating systems use the range 1.0 to 5.0, and most of those represent the rating as a number (and possibly half) of stars. Sites may use whatever graphic they wish to represent the rating.
Here are a few examples of reviews from current web sites, and how they could be easily enhanced to support the hReview structured review microformat.
Want to get started with writing an hReview? Use the hReview creator to write a review and publish it on your blog.
Restaurant reviews
Here is an example of a simple online restaurant review:
<div> <span>5 stars out of 5 stars</span> <h4>Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4> <span>Reviewer: <span>Tantek</span> - April 18, 2005</span> <blockquote><p> Crepes on Cole is one of the best little creperies in San Francisco. Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes for parties large and small. Window seating makes for excellent people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside. I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi. </p></blockquote> <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p> <p>Food eaten: <span>Florentine crepe</span></p> </div>
Adding hReview to this review is quite simple:
<div class="hreview"> <span><span class="rating">5</span> out of 5 stars</span> <h4 class="summary">Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4> <span class="reviewer vcard">Reviewer: <span class="fn">Tantek</span> - <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20050418T2300-0700">April 18, 2005</abbr></span> <div class="description item vcard"><p> <span class="fn org">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little creperies in <span class="adr"><span class="locality">San Francisco</span></span>. Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes for parties large and small. Window seating makes for excellent people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside. I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi. </p></div> <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p> <p>Food eaten: <span>Florentine crepe</span></p> </div>
Note that some of the properties of this sample review are not captured by hReview (visit date, food eaten). This is deliberate per the scope of keeping hReview minimal and simple.
This sample hReview could be rendered like this:
5 stars out of 5 stars
Crepes on Cole is awesome
Reviewer: Tantek - April 18, 2005
Crepes on Cole is one of the best little creperies in San Francisco. Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes for parties large and small. Window seating makes for excellent people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside. I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood wifi.
Visit date: April 2005
Food eaten: Florentine crepe
Multidimensional Restaurant Review
Some restaurant reviews indicate ratings for different aspects of the restaurant. Such details are represented in hReview using tagged ratings. In addition, note the inline tags inside the description of this review.
Here is one such review in text format:
Cafe Borrone 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, +1-650-327-0830; Food: 18/30; Ambience: 19/30; Service: 15/30; Price: $$... This cafe is a welcoming oasis on the Peninsula. It even has a fountain outside which cloaks the nearby sounds of El Camino traffic. Next door to a superb indy bookstore, Cafe Borrone is an ideal spot to grab a coffee or a snack to accompany a newly purchased book or imported periodical. Soups and sandwich specials rotate daily. The corn chowder with croutons and big chunks of cheese goes especially well with a freshly toasted mini-baguette. Evenings are often crowded and may require sharing a table with a perfect stranger. Espresso afficionados will appreciate the Illy coffee. Noise levels can vary from peaceful in the late mornings to nearly overwhelming on jazz band nights.
As an hReview:
<div class="hreview"> <div class="item vcard"> <div class="fn org summary">Cafe Borrone</div> <span class="adr"> <span class="street-address">1010 El Camino Real</span>, <span class="locality">Menlo Park</span>, <span class="region">CA</span> <span class="postal-code">94025</span>, </span> <span class="tel">+1-650-327-0830</span>; <a class="url" href=""></a> </div> <ul> <li class="rating"><a href="" rel="tag"> Food: <span class="value">18</span>/<span class="best">30</span></a>;</li> <li class="rating"><a href="" rel="tag"> Ambience: <span class="value">19</span>/<span class="best">30</span></a>;</li> <li class="rating"><a href="" rel="tag"> Service: <span class="value">15</span>/<span class="best">30</span></a>;</li> <li class="rating"><a href="" rel="tag"> Price: <abbr class="value" title="2">$$</abbr>...</a></li> </ul> <div class="description"><p> This <abbr class="type" title="business"> <a href="" rel="tag">cafe</a></abbr> is a welcoming oasis on the Peninsula. It even has a fountain outside which nearly eliminates the sounds of El Camino traffic. Next door to a superb indy bookstore, Cafe Borrone is an ideal spot to grab a <a href="" rel="tag">coffee</a> or a meal to accompany a newly purchased book or imported periodical. <a href="" rel="tag">Soups</a> and <a href="" rel="tag">sandwich</a> specials rotate daily. The corn chowder with croutons and big chunks of cheese goes especially well with a freshly toasted mini-baguette. Evenings are often crowded and may require sharing a table with a perfect stranger. <a href="" rel="tag">Espresso</a> afficionados will appreciate the <a href="" rel="tag">Illy</a> coffee. Noise levels can vary from peaceful in the late mornings to nearly overwhelming on <a href="" rel="tag">jazz</a> band nights. </p></div> Review (<a href=""> hReview v<span class="version">0.3</span></a>) by <span class="reviewer vcard"><span class="fn">anonymous</span></span>, <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20050428T2130-0700">April 28th, 2005</abbr>. </div>
With an accompanying CSS style sheet like:
a.url { display:block } ul { margin:1em 0; padding:0 } ul li { display:inline }
This hReview could be presented similar to the original text:
Cafe Borrone
1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, +1-650-327-0830;
Food: 18/30;
Ambience: 19/30;
Service: 15/30;
Price: $$...
This cafe is a welcoming oasis on the Peninsula. It even has a fountain outside which cloaks the nearby sounds of El Camino traffic. Next door to a superb indy bookstore, Cafe Borrone is an ideal spot to grab a coffee or a snack to accompany a newly purchased book or imported periodical. Soups and sandwich specials rotate daily. The corn chowder with croutons and big chunks of cheese goes especially well with a freshly toasted mini-baguette. Evenings are often crowded and may require sharing a table with a perfect stranger. Espresso afficionados will appreciate the Illy coffee. Noise levels can vary from peaceful in the late mornings to nearly overwhelming on jazz band nights.
Review (hReview v0.3) by anonymous, April 28th, 2005.
Product review
Here is an example of a product review:
<div> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Album cover photo: The Postal Service: Give Up." /> The Postal Service: Give Up</a> <blockquote><p> "The people thought they were just being rewarded for treating others as they like to be treated, for obeying stop signs and curing diseases, for mailing letters with the address of the sender... Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in..." </p><p> "Nothing Better" is a great track on this album, too... </p></blockquote> (*****) </div>
Adding hReview to this review is also quite simple, but in this case requires a few more elements for the rating and reviewer which are required by hReview:
<div class="hreview"><span class="item"> <a class="url fn" href=""> <img src="" alt="Album cover photo: The Postal Service: Give Up. " class="photo" /> The Postal Service: Give Up</a></span> <div class="description"><p> "The people thought they were just being rewarded for treating others as they like to be treated, for obeying stop signs and curing diseases, for mailing letters with the address of the sender... Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in..." </p><p> "Nothing Better" is a great track on this album, too... </p></div> (<abbr class="rating" title="5">*****</abbr>) <p class="reviewer vcard">Review by <a class="url fn" href="">Adam Rifkin</a>, <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="200502">February 2005</abbr> </p> </div>
And this hReview might be presented like this:
[Album cover photo: ]
[The Postal Service:]
[ Give Up ]
The Postal Service: Give Up
"The people thought they were just being rewarded for treating others as they like to be treated, for obeying stop signs and curing diseases, for mailing letters with the address of the sender... Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in..."
"Nothing Better" is a great track on this album, too...
Review by Adam Rifkin, February 2005.
Movie Review
Finally, here is an example of a movie review.
<div> <span>anonymous, April 18th, 2005</span> <div> <a lang="zh" href=""> Ying Xiong (<span lang="en">HERO</span>) </a> </div> <div>Rating: 4 out of 5</div> <blockquote><p> This movie has great visuals and music. </p></blockquote> </div>
With hReview:
<div class="hreview"> <span class="reviewer vcard"> <span class="fn">anonymous</span>, <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20050418">April 18th, 2005</abbr> </span> <div class="item"> <a lang="zh" class="url fn" href=""> Ying Xiong (<span lang="en">HERO</span>) </a> </div> <div>Rating: <span class="rating">4</span> out of 5</div> <div class="description"><p> This movie has great music and visuals. </p></div> </div>
Which could be presented like this:
anonymous, April 18th, 2005
Ying Xiong (HERO)
Rating: 4 out of 5
This movie has great music and visuals.
Examples in the wild
This section is informative. The number of hReview examples in the wild has expanded far beyond the capacity of being kept inline in this specification. They have been moved to a separate page.
See hReview Examples in the wild.
This section is informative. The number of hReview implementations has also expanded beyond the capacity of keeping them inline. They have been moved to a separate page.
Normative References
Informative References
- CSS1
- ISO.8601.1988
- International Organization for Standardization, "Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times", ISO Standard 8601, June 1988.
- W3C NOTE-datetime-19980827
- RFC3667
- RFC3668
- W3C Patent Policy
- Crepes on Cole reviews on Yahoo! Local
- Other reviews efforts. See reviews-formats.
- Contributed from
Similar Work
This specification is (C) 2005 by the authors. However, the authors intend to submit (or already have submitted, see details in the spec) this specification to a standards body with a liberal copyright/licensing policy such as the GMPG, IETF, and/or W3C. Anyone wishing to contribute should read their copyright principles, policies and licenses (e.g. the GMPG Principles) and agree to them, including licensing of all contributions under all required licenses (e.g. CC-by 1.0 and later), before contributing.
This specification is subject to a royalty free patent policy, e.g. per the W3C Patent Policy, and IETF RFC3667 & RFC3668.
Work in progress
This specification is a work in progress. As additional aspects are discussed, understood, and written, they will be added.
Changes from v0.2
The following changes have been made in hReview v0.3 over hReview v0.2:
Normative changes:
- MUST (instead of SHOULD) use hCard for the item description of a business or person
- "reviewer" changes
- Made reviewer *optional* per feedback from Ryan King and Mark Nottingham
- If reviewer is absent from the hReview, then look outside the hReview, in the context of the page, for the reviewer. If there is no "reviewer" outside either, then use the author information according to the containing document language (e.g.
for HTML pages) as the reviewer. - MUST (instead of SHOULD) use hCard to represent reviewer information
- "dtreviewed" changes
- Made dtreviewed *optional* per feedback from Ryan King and Mark Nottingham
- If dtreviewed is absent from the hReview, then look outside the hReview, in the surrounding context. If the context is an hAtom entry, use its "published" (or "updated" if that is missing) datetime as the dtreviewed, if not present on the entry, use the "published" (or "updated" if that is missing) of the feed. Otherwise use the information according to the containing document language (e.g. "published"/"updated" similarly for Atom feeds), then protocol (e.g. HTTP Last-Modified, or file system last modified datetime).
- SHOULD use hCalendar to represent an item of 'type' 'event'
- Added one decimal digit of precision to ratings' numerical values based on publisher experience.
- Use the "value" construct from hCard (as it is used in "tel" properties for example) to more explicitly markup the rating value when also providing (marking up) the best/worst of a rating.
- Added rel-license to indicate the license of the hReview as a whole.
- Permit tags inside ratings to denote rated tags, the same as ratings inside tags per suggestion from Eran Globen.
- Add include-pattern support to allow multiple reviews for the same item to not repeat the item info.
Informative changes (several, but in particular):
- Note that scalar/rated tags would ideally use a tag space that explain the ratings for that tag. E.g. to explain what Food:18/30 means.
- Updated examples accordingly.
Further Reading
- See also blogs discussing this page.
Related Pages
- hreview
- hReview-aggregate - microformat for specifying summary information from a collection of reviews about a product or service
- hReview creator (feedback) - create your own hReview.
- hReview authoring - learn how to add hReview mark-up to your existing contact info.
- hReview brainstorming - thoughts for improving hReview.
- hReview cheatsheet - hCard properties.
- hReview examples in the wild - an on-going list of websites which use hReview.
- hReview FAQ - If you have any questions about hReview, check here, and if you don't find answers, add your questions!
- hReview feedback - Feedback is encouraged!
- hReview implementations - websites or tools which either generate or parse hReviews.
- hReview issues - Please add any issues with the specification to the issues page.
- hReview parsing - Normatively details of how to parse hReviews.
- hReview profile - The XMDP profile for hReview.
- hReview tests - a wiki page with actual embedded hReviews to try parsing.
- hReview advocacy - encourage others to use hReview.
- review-examples
- review-formats
- review-brainstorming - where we brainstormed about review formats before coming up with hReview.
- currency - proposal for marking up amounts of money (e.g. prices of reviewed items).
- Aggregate reviews - examples - formats - brainstorming