Why are content standards hard?
A brainstorm of the problems/distractions that plague typical content standards efforts. -Tantek
- completeness
- based on platonic ideals of content (as opposed to human behaviors)
- edge cases
- scope/feature creep - general purposeness
- extensibility
- ego
- reinvention - web and modern search engines have reduced excuses for this, but we will still have NIH behaviors even when ignorance isn't a problem.
- desire to be the "outside container" (we'll put all other stuff inside us)
- self/community-design bias
- designed by technologists for technologists (as opposed to for authors)
- note: it was an *accident* that HTML was easy to learn for non-technical authors, designers, artists etc.: http://tantek.com/log/2003/0813t1158.html#handauthoring
- localization / internationalization issues (first/last name are different in some countries)
- legal issues, copyrights, patents etc.