History Examples
Per the microformats process this is an examples page documenting existing real world examples of historical information published on the Web.
The Problem
History seeks to show and explain change over time. With that in mind, how should we mark up content that has specific historical contexts, meanings, and/or values?
In particular, hCalendar, which can otherwise be used for marking up historic events, lacks the capability to record vague dates and eras such as "circa 1950", "17th century" "Jurassic period" , "middle ages", "late November" and so on.
Likewise, hCard does not yet have facilities for "flourished" (often used in biographies of historical figures whose birth-date is not known) and "baptised" (used in genealogy); but these have been proposed
Real-World Examples
Historical Timelines
Tools for Timelines
- Historical Event and Markup Linking (HEML) Project includes an "XML schema for historical events which describes the events' participants, dates, location and keywords; the schema associates these with source materials in print or on the web" and "XSLT stylesheets that combine conforming documents and generate lists, maps and graphical timelines out of them."
- SIMILE Timeline Builder from MIT. The SIMILE timeline uses JavaScript and XML to create a timeline. The XML markup :
- EasyTimeline (also at Infodisiac) "is a Mediawiki graphical plugin for visual timelines."
HTML-based Timelines
- Browser History Timeline - Eric Meyer uses a table to show the history of browser version releases comparatively.
- HMS Titanic Timeline Member-created timeline at Footnote.
- The Food Timeline: Food history reference and research service.
- List of Timelines from Wikipedia. Lists timelines available on Wikipedia.
- West Midland Bird Club history
- As of 2008-01-16, marked up with hCalendar microformats. Andy Mabbett 14:49, 16 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Also: List of Older Bird Clubs
- History of the Baseball Uniform Timeline from the National Baseball Hall of Fame
- The History section of the History-Examples wiki page Seems that the history sections of this wiki are essentially timelines, with historical information, showing change over time.
Image and Flash-based Timelines
Image and flash-based timelines are included to get a sense of what content might be included, even though the content isn't marked up in these examples.
Historical Maps
- Gutenkarte - Allows you to map geographic locations in texts
- Metacarta Map Rectifier - Allows you to place and rectify maps over a base map. Uses Google Maps (I think). Lots of examples of historical maps layered over modern maps for comparison.
Map Sites
- Social Explorer Maps maps historical census data on New York and Los Angeles.
- Animated Atlas of African History, 1889-2002 Uses Flash.
- London: A Life in Maps uses GoogleMaps and historical data to explore the history of London.
General History Sites
- History Wikibooks. Examples include World History,
Bloggers and Weblogs
- Frog in a Well (east Asian history and culture)
Museums and Exhibits
- The British Museum. Their World of Money is a historical exhibit on the history of money around the globe.
- A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the Constitution (non-flash version)
- A Century of Chairs From the Design Museum.
Types of Historical Information
Dates and Time Periods
People, Biographies, and Profiles
Most biographical profiles provide dates of birth and death, detail important events with which the person was involved, and outline general historical contexts in which the person lived and participated.
The following timelines provide a comparative list of the timeframes in which select political leaders around the world were in power:
- Time search time-based search engine (requires Javascript)
Existing Practices
See Also
- history examples
- history formats
- history brainstorming
- genealogy (aka family history)
- hCalendar
- lifestream