Attention Examples
This page documents examples on the Web of published attention information.
This is part of an open standards community effort to update (even rethink and rewrite) the Attention.xml format on a strong foundation of research of existing examples and formats, as well as leveraging the Attention.XML implementation experience from Attensa, CommerceNet, Technorati, and any other interested Attention developers.
- Tim Brown
- Tantek Çelik
- Eric Hayes
- Rohit Khare
- Kevin Marks
Attention Examples
Implicit Attention
- what I've listened to - Last.FM, and other scripts that do that
- KevinMarks will contribute more here
- eg
- ?? email rules files
Explicit Attention
- blogrolls, friendrolls (e.g. LiveJournal, XFN) - what/who I'm reading
- linkblogs / delicious feeds - how I have tagged sites I've read
- playlists of what songs I like - e.g. on MSN Spaces
- favorites.html files - yes, people actually publish these on the web
Inattention Examples
- killfiles
- email blacklists