Citation Formats
This page will display several different types of citation format types. The idea is to compare what properties are common amonst all of the formats and which ones should be blended into this microformat.
See also:
Comparison chart
The following chart maps the terms from one implementation to another. This is important because if all the properties are introduced to this microformats, then its possible to map them to a number of different formats. The table currently only uses Dublin Core, MODS, and bibTeX. Each column has all the properties and their equivalent in each format. If there is no corresponding property the cell is grey. At the bottom of the list are the unique terms to each format. Dublin core has basic terms and terms that extend the basic ones. If the property is an extention of a basic term it is in ()'s. MODS uses XML, so any sub-properties are listed in their tree form, property/sub-property.
THIS IS NOT DEFINIATIVE, any errors should be corrected. More formats will be added to the list as they are mapped.
Dublin Core | MODS | bibTeX | Z39.80 |
Title (alternative) | titleInfo/title titleInfo/PartNum |
booktitle title chapter number pages volume series |
Analytic Title Collective or Series Title |
creator | name/namePart | author creator |
Author, Primary Corporate Author, Primary |
subject | subject/topic | needs mapping | |
Description (abstract | tableOfContents) | abstract note tableOfContents |
abstract annotation note contents |
needs mapping |
Contributer | name | editor? | Book/Report/Volume Editor Producer |
Date (available | created | dateAccepted | dateCopyrighted | dateSubmitted | issued | modified | valid) | originInfo/dateIssued originInfo/dateCreated originInfo/dateCaptured originInfo/dateOther |
month year |
Copyright Year Date-generic Date of conference Date of Publication Date of Update/Revisou/Issuance of Database Record Former Date Entry date for Database Record Database Update Year of Publication |
Type | typeOfResource genre |
@class type |
needs mapping |
Format (extent | medium) | physicalDescription/internetMediaType physicalDescription/extent physicalDescription/form |
published | needs mapping |
identifier (bibliographicCitation) | identifier | ISBN ISSN LCCN URL |
ISBN Identifier Report Identfier ISSN |
Source | relatedItem | needs mapping | |
language | language | language | |
Relation (...) | relatedItem/... | crossRef | needs mapping |
Coverage (spacial | temporal) | subject/temporal subject/geographic subject/hierarchicalGeographic subject/cartographics |
needs mapping | |
classifications | needs mapping | ||
Rights (accessRights | license) | accessConditions | copyright | needs mapping |
publisher | publisher | Publisher Name Place of Publication |
audience (educationLevel | mediator) | targetAudience | needs mapping | |
accualMethod accualPeriodicaty accualPolicy instrcutionalMethod provenance rightsHolder |
location extension recordInfo |
address afflilication location edition institution journal key keywords mrnumber organization price school size |
(the following need to be mapped to the above rows or left here as other) Database Source |
Dublin Core Metadata
Dublin Core metadata uses a small vocabulary to descibe the data.
- contributor
- coverage
- creator
- date
- description
- format
- identifier
- language
- publisher
- relation
- rights
- source
- subject
- title
- type
From those there are specialised types where are just refinments of the previous, for example:
- abstract refines description.
- accessRights refines rights
Guidelines for Encoding Bibliographic Citation Information in Dublin Core Metadata
MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema)
This is a format developed for the Libray of Congress for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications.
(the schema is very big, once i devote the proper time to review it, i will post more about the structure -brian)
<!ELEMENT pubs (pub+)> <!ENTITY % pubElements "(artTitle|bookTitle|author|date|pubDate|publisher|pageNums|url)"> <!ELEMENT pub (para | %pubElements;)*> <!ATTLIST pub id ID #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT artTitle (#PCDATA | link)*> <!ELEMENT bookTitle (#PCDATA | link)*> <!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST author name IDREF #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT pubDate (month?, year)> <!-- Deprecated in 1.4.0. --> <!ELEMENT publisher (#PCDATA | link | url)*> <!ELEMENT pageNums (#PCDATA)>
Fields Used by Bibtex
abstract: | An abstract of the work. |
address: | Publisher's address. For major publishing houses,
just the city is given. For small publishers, you canhelp the reader by giving the complete address. |
affiliation: | The author's affiliation. |
annote: | An annotation. It is not used by he standard
bibliography styles, but may be used by others thatproduce an annotated bibliography. |
author: | The name(s) of the author(s). |
booktitle: | Title of a book, part of which is being cited. For
book entries, use the title fieldinstead. |
chapter: | A chapter (or section) number. |
contents: | A Table of Contents. |
copyright: | Copyright information. |
crossref: | The database key of the entry being cross-referenced. |
edition: | The edition of a book - for example "Second". Notice that it is in capitals. |
editor: | Name(s) of editor(s). If there is also an author
field, then the editor field gives the editor of the bookor collection in which the reference appears. |
howpublished: | How something strange has been published. The first word should be capitalized. |
institution: | The sponsoring institution of a technical report. |
ISBN: | The International Standard Book Number. |
ISSN: | The International Standard Serial Number. Used to identify a journal. |
journal: | A journal name. Abbreviations are provided for many journals. |
key: | Used for alphabetizing and creating a label when the
author and editor fields are missing. This field should not be confused with the key that appears at thebeginning of the reference. |
keywords: | Key words used for searching or possibly for annotation. |
language: | The language the document is written in. |
LCCN: | The Library of Congress Call Number. |
location: | A location associated with the entry, such as the city in which a conference took place. |
month: | The month in which the work was published or, for an unpublished work, in which it was written. |
mrnumber: | The Mathematical Reviews number. |
note: | Any additional information that can help the reader. First word should be capitalized. |
number: | The number of a journal, magazine, technical report,
or of a work in a series. An issue of a journal or magazine is usually identified by its volume and number; the organization that issues a technical report usually gives it a number; and sometimes books are given numbersin a named series. |
organization: | The organization that sponsors a conference or publishes a manual. |
pages: | One or more page numbers or ranges of number, such as 37--42, or 7,53,82--94. |
price: | The price of the material. |
publisher: | The publisher's name. |
school: | The name of the school where a thesis was written. |
series: | Then name given a series or set of books. When citing
an entire book, the title field gives its title and the optional series field gives the name of a series in whichthe book was published. |
size: | The physical dimensions of the work. |
title: | The work's title. |
type: | The type of technical report - for example, "Research Note". |
url: | The WWW Universal Resource Locator that points to the
item being referenced. Often used for technical reportsto point to the FTP site where it resides. |
volume: | The volume of a journal or multivolume book. |
year: | The year of publication or, for an unpublished work,
the year it was written. It should only consist ofnumerals, such as 1976. |
BibTeX citation Types
A reference can be to any of a variety of types. Following is a list of types. Each one also explains the fields associated with that type. Any fields not listed as required or optional are considered to be ignored.
article: | An article from a journal or magazine. Required
fields: author, title, journal, year. Optional fields:volume, number, pages, month, note, key. |
book: | A book with an explicit publisher. Required fields:
author or editor, title, publisher, year. Optional fields: volume, series, address, edition, month, note,key. |
booklet: | A work that is printed and bound, but without a named
publisher or sponsoring institution. Required fields: title. Optional fields: author, howpublished, address,month, year, note, key. |
collection: | A collection of works. Same as <a href="#proceedings">Proceedings</a>. |
conference: | The same as <a href="#inproceedings">Inproceedings</a>. |
inbook: | A part of a book, which may be a chapter and/or a
range of pages. Required fields: author or editor, title, chapter and/or pages, publisher, year. Optional fields:volumer, series, address, edition, month, note, key. |
incollection: | A part of a book with its own title. Required fields:
author, title, booktitle, publisher, year. Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address,month, note, key. |
<a name="inproceedings"></a>inproceedings: | An article in a conference proceedings. Required
fields: author, title, booktitle, year. Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month,note, key. |
manual: | Technical documentation. Required fields: title.
Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition,month, year, note. |
mastersthesis: | A Master's thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year. Optional fields: address, month, note, key. |
misc: | Use this type when nothing else fits. Required
fields: none. Optional fields: author, title,howpublished, month, year, note, key. |
patent: | A patent. |
phdthesis: | A Ph.D. thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year. Optional fields: address, month, note, key. |
<a name="proceedings"></a>proceedings: | The proceedings of a conference. Required fields:
title, year. Optional fields: editor, publisher,organization, address, month, note, key. |
techreport: | A report published by a school or other institution,
usually numbered within a series. Required fields: author, title, institution, year. Optional fields: type,number, address, month, note, key. |
unpublished: | A document with an author and title, but not formally
published. Required fields: author, title, note. Optionalfields: month, year, key. |
@book{kn:gnus, AUTHOR = "Donald E. Knudson", TITLE = "1966 World Gnus Almanac", PUBLISHER = {Permafrost Press}, ADDRESS = {Novosibirsk} } <div class="book" id="kn:gnus"> <div class="author">Donald E. Knudson</div> <div class="title">1966 World Gnus Almanac</div> <div class="publisher">Permafrost Press</div> <div class="address">Novosibirsk</div> </div> @article{XAi_HSCheng_1994a, author = "X. Ai and H. S. Cheng", title = "Influence of moving dent on point {EHL} contacts", journal = "Tribol. Trans.", volume = "37", year = "1994", pages = "323--335", } <div class="article" id="XAi_HSCheng_1994a"> <div class="author">X. Ai and H. S. Cheng</div> <div class="title">Influence of moving dent on point {EHL} contacts</div> <div class="journal">Tribol. Trans.</div> <div class="volume">37</div> <div class="year">1994</div> <div class="pages">323--335</div> </div>
OpenURL aka Z39.88 defines a standard way of bundling citation data in a URL. It is widely deployed in academic libraries around the world to provide access to licensed content via link resolvers such as SFX. The Context Object in Span (COinS) community standard represents one way to embed OpenURLs in XHTML without including a resolver target.
<span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.issn=1045-4438"></span>
As you can see this isn't very much like semantic XHTML at all. However significant work has gone into defining the set of Key/Encoded Values (KEVs) that can be used in various types of citations: book, dissertation, journal, patent. It would be possible to simply provide a standard XHTML bundling for these keys as a microformat.
<div class="openurl-journal"> <span class="aulast">Berners-Lee</span>, <span class="aufirst">Tim</a>; Hendler, James; Lassila, Ora.</span> "<span class="atitle">The Semantic Web</span>". <span class="jtitle">Scientific American</span> <span class="volume">284</span>(<span class="issue">5</span>), pp. pp. <span class="pages">34-43</span>. <span class="issn">0036-8733</span> </div>
Using OpenURL in this way would enable third party applications that could, say grab citation metadata from a blog, and without much work fire it off at your university's or public libraries openurl resolver to see if the article is available via a licensed databases. The benefits have been noted elsewhere.
I'm not sure the best place for a guide to Z39.80 so please add links as you see fit:
A subset of the DocBook vocabulary is dedicated to representing a bibliography:
<!DOCTYPE bibliography PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" ""> <bibliography> <title>Languages and Semantics</title> <bibliodiv> <title>Books</title> <biblioentry> <title>Course in General Linguistics</title> <abbrev>deSaussure59</abbrev> <author><firstname>Ferdinand</firstname><surname>de Saussure</surname></author> <editor><firstname>Charles</firstname><surname>Bally</surname></editor> <editor><firstname>Albert</firstname><surname>Sechehaye</surname></editor> <othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Wade</firstname><surname>Baskin</surname></othercredit> <copyright> <year>1959</year> <holder>The Philosophical Library Inc.</holder> </copyright> <isbn>07-016524-6</isbn> <publisher> <publishername>McGraw-Hill Book Company</publishername> </publisher> </biblioentry> </bibliodiv> </bibliography>
Ann Arbor District Library XML feed
Here's a record in XML format from their project to simplify access to the catalog. More discussion on John Blyberg's blog.
<p:Record> <callnum>823 Bu</callnum> <author>Burkart, Gina, 1971-</author> <fulltitle>A parent's guide to Harry Potter / Gina Burkart</fulltitle> <title>A parent's guide to Harry Potter </title> <pubinfo>Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2005</pubinfo> <desc>112 p</desc> <bibliography>Includes bibliographical references</bibliography> <contents> The Harry hype -- More than a story -- The modern fairy tale -- Discussing fantasy with children -- Morals, not magic -- The real issues in Harry Potter -- Dealing with traumatic experiences -- Facing fears -- Battling bullies -- Delving into diversity -- Hiding hurts -- Letting go of anger -- Getting help -- Choosing good over evil -- The power of love -- Facing spiritual battles </contents> <isbn>0830832882</isbn> <price>$11.00</price> <lang>eng</lang> <copies>0</copies> <catdate>08-16-2005</catdate> <mattype>a</mattype> <avail>No copies available</avail> <recordlink xlink:href=""/> </p:Record>
SimpleDC supported by the zoom toolkit
<dc xmlns="http/"> <title>Kantor Salomon Sulzer und seine Zeit : eine Dokumentation /</title> <creator>Avenary, Hanoch.</creator> <creator>Pass, Walter.</creator> <creator>Vielmetti, Nikolaus.</creator> <creator>Adler, Israel, (1925-)</creator> <subject>Sulzer, Salomon, -- 1804-1890.</subject> <subject>Jewish composers -- Austria -- Biography.</subject> <subject>Cantors, Jewish -- Biography.</subject> <date>1985</date> <publisher>Sigmaringen : Jan Thorbecke Verlag</publisher> <identifier>3799540636</identifier> <description>300 p., [12] p. of plates : ill., music, ports. ; 24 cm.</description> </dc>
this is the output of marc.toSimpleDC()
SRU from the Library of Congress
<?xml version="1.0"?> <zs:searchRetrieveResponse xmlns:zs=""><zs:version>1.1</zs:version><zs:numberOfRecords>1701</zs:numberOfRecords><zs:records><zs:record><zs:recordSchema>info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1</zs:recordSchema><zs:recordPacking>xml</zs:recordPacking><zs:recordData><srw_dc:dc xmlns:srw_dc="info:srw/schema/1/dc-schema" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="info:srw/schema/1/dc-schema"> <title>3-D dinosaur adventure [computer file].</title> <creator>Knowledge Adventure, Inc.</creator> <type>software, multimedia</type> <publisher>Glendale, CA : Knowledge Adventure,</publisher> <date>c1995.</date> <language>eng</language> <description>Employs a dinosaur theme-park setting to introduce users to Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. Features hypertext dinosaur encyclopedia covering 150 million years of paleontology. Includes animated video simulations, three-dimensional dinosaur museum, narration, games, activities, and color illustrations.</description> <description>Ages 5 to 10.</description> <description>System requirements for PC: 486SX/25MHz processor or higher; 8MB RAM; Windows 3.1, 3.11, or 95; SVGA 256-color graphics adapter; hard drive with 5MB free space; double-speed CD-ROM drive; MPC-compatible sound card; mouse.</description> <description>System requirements for Macintosh: 68040 or Power PC processor; 8MB RAM; System 7.0 or higher; 256-color graphics capability; thirteen-inch color monitor or larger; hard drive with 4MB free space; double-speed CD-ROM drive.</description> <description>Ages 5 to 10.</description> <description>Employs a dinosaur theme-park setting to introduce users to Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. Features hypertext dinosaur encyclopedia covering 150 million years of paleontology. Includes animated video simulations, three-dimensional dinosaur museum, narration, games, activities, and color illustrations.</description> <subject>Dinosaurs--Juvenile software.</subject> <subject>Dinosaurs.</subject> <identifier>URN:ISBN:1569972133</identifier> </srw_dc:dc></zs:recordData><zs:recordPosition>1</zs:recordPosition></zs:record></zs:records></zs:searchRetrieveResponse>
Types and Roles
(Section is informative only as a place to capture various parts of publication citations.)
There are many different types of publications and this information should be captured in the citation. Possible types include:
- Novel/fiction (specify type -- literature, sci-fi, romance, etc.?)
- Non-fiction
- Poem
- Play
- Magazine
- Reference (seperate out encyclopedia, dictionary, almanac, etc.?)
- Journal
- Article within a journal
- Chapter within a book
- Dissertation
- Web Site
- Page within a web site
- Music Recording
- Video Recording
- Interview
- Physical object (Statue, Painting, etc.)
- ??
Question: Certain works have specific types of citations, for example, the Bible--and, I assume, other religious works--have very specific citation formats with different relevant information (chapter/verse) than others, as do the works of Shakespeare. Should these be considered seperate types/roles?
A: I think in terms of types, we should at least note the items (chapter, verse, etc). How they get dealt with is still way up in the air. - Tim
Likewise, there are several different roles associated with publications -- author, co-author, editor, translator, etc. Should these be captured under a master "role" or treated as individual elements?
A: Good question. I think there is an important distinction, but whether we follow a design pattern of "role-*" (or more likely "author-*) or some other pattern hasn't been discussed yet. - Tim