History Examples
Per the microformats process this is an examples page documenting existing real world examples of historical information published on the Web.
Historical Timelines
Tools for Timelines
Historical Event and Markup Linking (HEML) Project includes an "XML schema for historical events which describes the events' participants, dates, location and keywords; the schema associates these with source materials in print or on the web" and "XSLT stylesheets that combine conforming documents and generate lists, maps and graphical timelines out of them."
SIMILE Timeline Builder from MIT. The SIMILE timeline uses JavaScript and XML to create a timeline. The XML markup :
EasyTimeline (also at Infodisiac) "is a Mediawiki graphical plugin for visual timelines."
HTML-based Timelines
Most HTML-based timelines use (very unsemantic) tables for markup.
List of Timelines from Wikipedia. Lists timelines available on Wikipedia.
The History Place presents Abraham Lincoln
Image-based Timelines
I include image-based timelines to get a sense of what content might be included, even though the content isn't marked up in these examples.
Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art
General History Sites
History Wikibooks. Examples include World History, U.S. History, and Modern History