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Benvido á wiki de microformatos!

Por favor, comeza coa páxina de introducción e le cómo xogar antes de facer calquera cambio.



Os microformatos son pequenos anacos de HTML que simbolizan cousas coma persoas, eventos, etiquetas, etc. nas páxinas web.

Os microformatos permiten a publicación dunha información máis útil na web, proporcionando un xeito máis rápido e sinxelo de integrar feeds e APIs no teu sitio web. Le outras definicións de qué son os microformatos e qué podes facer con eles.

Cómo contribuir

Queres axudar a que os microformatos cheguen ó seguinte nivel? O que podes facer é:


Especificacións dos estándares abertos de Microformatos


  • adr - for marking up address information
  • geo - for marking up WGS84 geographic coordinates (latitude; longitude)
  • hAtom - syndicating episodic content (e.g. weblog postings)
  • hResume - for publishing resumes and CVs
  • hReview - hReview creator
  • rel-directory - to indicate that the destination of a hyperlink is a directory listing containing an entry for the current page
  • rel-enclosure - for indicating attachments (e.g. files) to download and cache
  • rel-home - indicate a hyperlink to the homepage of the site
  • rel-payment - indicate a payment mechanism
  • robots exclusion
  • xFolk

Design Patterns

Design patterns are common uses of markup across microformats.

Exploratory Discussions

See: exploratory-discussions for details of research and analysis of real-world examples, existing formats, and brainstorming of possible new microformats, per the microformats process. Such work is categorised as being:



See resources.

user centric development

shared work areas

tools, test cases, additional research

The first place to look for examples, code, and test cases is in the pages for each individual microformat. There are only a few cross-cutting tools and services that need to process more than one microformat. That section is intended for editors, parsers, validators, test cases, and other information relevant across multiple microformats.

microformats wiki translations

You may read and edit microformats articles in many other languages:

See also other-languages, and how-to-start-a-new-translation.