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(Traduction en cours par Christophe Ducamp à mettre en to-do-fr)


Le 'blog-post-microformat' propose une codification de la manière dont les billets de blogs sont identifiés dans les blogs. Il est espéré que ceci devrait être considéré pour être 'expansif' : par exemple la proposition pourrait être utilisé sur pour baliser les articles d'actualités et les pages résumé.


Cette section explore la terminologie qui devrait être utilisée pour discuter d'un microformat de billet de blog. Pour qu'il soit plus facile de parler des différents types de terminologie, nous utilisons une version d'espace-nom ala XML de façon à ce que nous puissions produire des déclarations comme atom:entry est approximativement équivalent à rss20:feed, atom:feed/atom:link@relalternate est approximativement équivalent à rss20:channel/rss20:link ou atom:author n'est pas équivalent à rss:entry/rss:author (parce que RSS 2.0 est uniquement la définition d'une adresse email).

Terminologie Commune dans les weblogs

En rédigeant les blog-post-formats-fr#Outils, on peut voir qu'il y a peu de standardisation parmi les outils ou même dans un outil individuel (tel que 'blogger') pour les noms des éléments des billets de blogs. Il existe néanmoins beaucoup d'éléments communs, comprenant :

  • un conteneur pour tous les billets/entrées
  • un conteneur pour les billets individuels
  • le contenu du billet, qui peut être complet, résumé avec un lien vers le lien complet, ou deux paragraphes avec des trucs javascript/CSS pour révéler le reste du contenu
  • le nom de l'auteur
  • la date du billet (dans beaucoup beaucoup de formats)

Bien que cela puisse ressembler un peu à un petit-déjeuner pour chien, il y a généralement une quantité raisonnable de rigueur derrière la présentation, parce que les fils Atom et/ou RSS peuvent être aussi produits à partir des mêmes outils.

En outre, en développant un microformat pour les billets de weblog, nous voulons être prudents pour ne pas casser n'importe quel (ou beaucoup) de gabarits. Notez que beaucoup de gabarits de weblog devront être mis à jour car ils produisent quelque chose comme du HTML pauvrement construit plutôt que du XHTML clair.

Terminologie Atom

Voir ici pour la spec et blog-post-formats-fr#Atom pour l'analyse.

  • atom:feed - (composite) une collection d'entrées plus de l'information à leur propos.
    • atom:author - (composite) l'auteur d'un fil (peut contenir atom:email, atom:name, atom:uri)
    • atom:id - un identifiant permanent pour un fil
    • atom:title - le titre d'un atom:entry ou un atom:feed
    • atom:updated - la dernière fois que le fil a été mis à jour
    • atom:link@relalternate - la page d'accueil du fil
    • atom:link@relself - l'URI du fil (où elle peut être téléchargée)
    • atom:entry - (composite) une entrée dans le fil
      • atom:content - le contenu du fil
      • atom:summary - un résumé du contenu du fil
      • atom:entry/link - l'URI permanente de l'entrée
      • atom:published - le moment de la création initiale ou la première disponibilité de l'entrée

Terminologie RSS 2.0

Regardez ici la spécification et blog-post-formats-fr#RSS pour l'analyse. Il y a beaucoup plus d'éléments dans RSS mais cela couvre ceux les plus communément utilisés. analysis.

  • rss2:channel - (composite) une collection d'entrées plus de l'information à leur propos
    • rss2:author - (composite) l'auteur d'un fil (peut contenir atom:email, atom:name, atom:uri)
    • rss2:link - L'URL vers le site web HTML correspondant au canal (comparer à atom:link@relalternate)
    • rss2:title - le titre d'un rss2:channel ou un rss2:item
    • rss2:pubDate - La date de publication pour le contenu dans le canal.
    • rss2:item - (composite) une entrée dans le fil
      • rss2:item/link - L'URL de l'item. Notez que cela peut ne pas être un lien permanent pour l'item ; ce peut être un lien vers quelque autre page sur l'Internet dont traite le rss2:item
      • rss2:description - Le synopsis item [sic]. Il n'y pas d'indication spéciale si c'est le contenu complet d'une entrée, un résumé ou une précision de ce que le rss2:item/link est en train de pointer
      • rss2:author - adresse email de l'auteur de l'item


Atom has a much more precise mechanism for defining syndication feeds and weblog data. A mechanical transformation from Atom -> RSS will always lead to a correct RSS feed; a RSS -> Atom translation would have to make a decision amongst multiple definitions that may not always be correct. For example, the format of markup, the role of an author, or the meaning of a link.

IMPORTANT: we shall talk about things such as 'marking elements atom:feed'; consider this a purely conceptual thing. The text 'atom:feed' will not appear in the XHTML microformat -- we may decide later to use the actual phrase 'atom_feed', 'feed', 'items' or 'googlybear'. In the case where there is no clear or applicable atom terminology, we shall use 'weblog:xxx'.

Eléments Découverts

This section explores the information discovered from blog-post-formats using the terminology discussed above. We will only focus on the major elements of weblog posts:

  • the EntryGroup
  • the individual Entry
  • the Entry Title
  • the Entry Content
  • the Entry Permalink
  • the Entry Datetimes

For now, the codification of the following major elements will be deferred as there is/may be overlap with other microformats that should be explored further

  • the EntryGroup Title
  • the EntryGroup Permalink
  • the Entry Poster/Author - in particular, should hcard be used?

Further input from the community would be appreciated here


Roughly speaking, this corresponds to 'atom:feed' or 'rss2:channel' (in particular, the items within those XML elements). See blog-post-examples-fr#EntryGroup for the various forms seen in the wild.

Recommandation Microformat

  • weblog pages (including home pages, archives, category pages, tag pages and so forth) that may container multiple entries MUST enclose the entries in a atom:feed element
  • weblog pages MAY have multiple atom:feed element enclosing different groups of entries
  • atom:feed elements MUST NOT be nested
  • weblog pages that have exactly one entry MAY use the atom:feed

Exemple Transformation

Note that the string 'atom:feed' is a placeholder for something to be decided later.

Original (obviously, if there is no existing EntryGroup block element, one can be added):

<div id="content">
 <h2 id="home-title">
  Latest microformats news 
  <a href="" title="link to RSS feed" id="feed-link">
   <img src="/img/xml.gif" width="23" height="13" alt="XML" />

 <div class="entry">
  <h3 id="post-60">
   <a href="">Wiki Attack</a>



<div id="content" class="atom:feed">
 <h2 id="home-title">
  Latest microformats news 
  <a href="" title="link to RSS feed" id="feed-link">
   <img src="/img/xml.gif" width="23" height="13" alt="XML" />

 <div class="entry">
  <h3 id="post-60">
   <a href="">Wiki Attack</a>


EntryGroup Title

Not covered by this proposal yet.

EntryGroup Permalink

Not covered by this proposal yet.

Individual Entry

This corresponds almost exactly to the atom:entry or rss2:item elements. See blog-post-examples#Individual_Entry for the various forms seen in the wild.

Recommandation Microformat

  • weblog entries MUST be enclosed in a single atom:entry element
  • atom:entry elements MUST NOT be nested
  • atom:entry MUST NOT belong to more than one atom:feed element

Exemple Transformation

Note that the string 'atom:entry' is a placeholder for something to be decided later.

Entrées dans bloc existant


 <div class="entry">
  <h3 id="post-60">
   <a href="">Wiki Attack</a>
  ... rest of entry ...


<div class="atom:feed">
 <div class="atom:entry entry">
  <h3 id="post-60">
   <a href="">Wiki Attack</a>
  ... rest of entry ...
 ... additional entries ...

Entrées n'étant pas dans un bloc existant


 <a name="112877372228959075">&nbsp;</a>
  <strong>Just one problem, Minister.</strong> Last week, Bill Rammell, 


<div class="atom:feed">
 <div class="atom:entry" id="112877372228959075">
  <br />
   <strong>Just one problem, Minister.</strong> Last week, Bill Rammell, 
  <br />
  ... rest of entry ...
 ... additional entries ...

Note the additional changes were also made:

  • <br> was made XHTML compliant
  • <a name="..."> was converted to a id="..." (confirm this is OK)

Entrées Disjointes

Ignore any existing blocks and treat as the previous case of no block.

Entry Title

This corresponds almost exactly to the atom:title or rss2:title elements. See blog-post-formats#Titles for examples from which we see that there are two fundemental ways titles are used in the wild: at the block level and inline. Our proposal must be capable of handling both forms.

Microformat Recommandation

  • atom:entrys SHOULD have at most one title
  • block level titles SHOULD be represented using <h#>, the first such element in a atom:entry should be considered the title; this need not be marked up or identified in any other way as the title
  • inline titles MUST be marked as atom:title; it is also possible to do this using block level formatting such as <div>, but this is discouraged

Discussion : pourquoi pas toujours <h#>?

Using CSS display: inline, block level elements can be converted to inline elements. Unfortunately, we cannot nest <h#> inside of a <p> block to achieve the correct effect. I.e. we cannot convert ...

<p><strong>The Title</strong>: The Text...</p>

... into ...

<p><h3 style="display: inline">The Title</h3>: The Text ...</p>

... because the XHTML will not validate. Also...

<h3 style="display: inline">The Title</h3><p>: The Text ...</p>

... will not work because presentation effect will be different than what the user intends (because the <p> will introduce a line break).

Exemple Transformation

Note that the string 'atom:title' is a placeholder for something to be decided later.

Header dans <h#> block

Original (and Final):

<div class="atom:entry">
 <h2 id="post-59">Web Essentials Audio</h2>
 ... reset of entry ...

No transformation is needed -- the blog-post microformat will recognize this as the atom:title.

Header dans un autre élément bloc


<div class="atom:entry">
 <div class"header">Web Essentials Audio</div>

Transformed (the header level is to taste):

<div class="atom:entry">
 <h3>Web Essentials Audio</h3>

It is possible to add class"atom:title" to the div but we recommend against it. However, we recognize that there may be certain BB Tools that making this change may be too difficult.

Header dans l'élément dans la ligne


 <div class="atom:entry" id="112877372228959075">
  <br />
   <strong>Just one problem, Minister.</strong> Last week, Bill Rammell, 
  <br />
  ... rest of entry ...


 <div class="atom:entry" id="112877372228959075">
  <br />
   <strong class="atom:title">Just one problem, Minister.</strong> Last week, Bill Rammell, 
  <br />
  ... rest of entry ...

Entry Content

This roughly corresponds to atom:content and/or atom:summary elements. See blog-post-examples#Entry_Content for the various forms seen in the wild.

Discussion : le problème du découpage du contenu

The last item above (content broken into multiple sections) introduces a few unique problems. It is not sufficient to enclose all the different content sections in a atom:content element, as the following example illustrates:

 <div class="atom:entry">
  <div class="atom:content">
   ... first part of the content ...
   "Read More"
   ... second part of the content ...

"Read More" is not part of the content! Therefore, we propose that multiple content sections be allowed in a single atom:entry. The concatenation of all these content blocks will define the complete content:

 <div class="atom:entry">
  <div class="atom:content">
   ... first part of the content ...
   "Read More"
  <div class="atom:content">
   ... second part of the content ...

The same argument is applicable to atom:summary.

Recommandation Microformat

  • an atom:entry MAY have zero or more atom:summary sections. There is no requirement that different representations of the same entry (on different URIs) use the same summaries.
  • an atom:entry MAY have zero or more atom:content sections. The serial concatenation of all the atom:content sections within the entry MUST represent the complete content of the entry. Note that the rule here is slightly different than Atom which only allows one atom:content.

Exemple Transformation

Note that the strings 'atom:summary' and 'atom:content' (etc.) are placeholders for something to be decided later.

Entrée avec contenu résumé


<div class="inlineBlog">
 <h3 id="a003068">
  <a href="" class="taggedlink">xFolk Veg-o-matic Alpha</a>
 <p class="abstract extended">
  We provide a way to surf the web and slice and dice information you find there into your own custom output stream.
 ... some tag and category stuff ...
  The folks at ... the rest of the content
 <p class="extended">
  <a href="">Continue reading "xFolk Veg-o-matic Alpha"</a>


<div class="inlineBlog atom:entry">
 <h3 id="a003068">
  <a href="" class="taggedlink atom:permalink">xFolk Veg-o-matic Alpha</a>
 <p class="abstract extended">
  We provide a way to surf the web and slice and dice information you find there into your own custom output stream.
 ... some tag and category stuff ...
 <div class="atom:summary">
   The folks at ... the rest of the content
 <p class="extended">
  <a href="">Continue reading "xFolk Veg-o-matic Alpha"</a>


  • we didn't do anything with the "abstract" section -- this is a discussion for another day
  • we didn't include the tag stuff in the summary, and probably wouldn't if this was the complete content

Entrée avec contenu complet


<div class="entry single">
 <h2 id="post-61">Class attributes are about more than styling</h2>

 <p>When people talk about microformats, ... </p>
 <blockquote cite="">
  ... quoted text from elsewhere

 <p>There’s a couple of points I’d like to highlight here:</p>
 ... more content ...

 <h4 class="tags">Technorati Tags:</h4>
 <ul class="tags">
  <li><a href="" rel="tag">css</a></li>

 <ul class="post-info">
  ... footer stuff ...


<div class="entry single atom:entry">
 <h2 id="post-61">Class attributes are about more than styling</h2>

 <div class="atom:content">
  <p>When people talk about microformats, ... </p>

  <blockquote cite="">
   ... quoted text from elsewhere

  <p>There’s a couple of points I’d like to highlight here:</p>

  ... more content ...

 <h4 class="tags">Technorati Tags:</h4>
 <ul class="tags">
  <li><a href="" rel="tag">css</a></li>

 <ul class="post-info">
  ... footer stuff ...


  • the only thing that really needed to be done is enclose the content
  • my preference would be to move the post id to the atom:entry

Entrée avec contenu découpé (plusieurs sections)


<div class="blogbody">
 <a name="008148"></a>

 <div class="title">
  Face to face: why places will continue to exist

 <div class="posted">
  <strong>Brian Micklethwait (London)</strong>
  <a href="...">Science & Technology</a>

 <p>It is not just that I dislike filling in forms....</p>
 ... the first section of the content ...

 ... this link makes the extended section show ...
 <span id="varP8148">
  <img src="" width="16" height="10" alt="" />
  <a href="..." onclick="showMore(8148,'...');return false;">
   Read more.
 <div id="varXYZ8148" style="display: none">
  <p>The very gadgets – computers linked...</p>
  ... the rest of the extended content ...

  ... this link makes the extended section hide ...
  <img src="..." width="16" height="10" alt="" />
   <a href="#008148" onclick="showMore(8148,0);return true;">
    Read less.


<div class="blogbody atom:entry" id="008148">
  Face to face: why places will continue to exist

 <div class="posted">
  <strong>Brian Micklethwait (London)</strong>
  <a href="...">Science & Technology</a>

 <div class="atom:content">
  <p>It is not just that I dislike filling in forms....</p>
  ... the first section of the content ...

 ... this link makes the extended section show ...
 <span id="varP8148">
  <img src="" width="16" height="10" alt="" />
  <a href="..." onclick="showMore(8148,'...');return false;">
   Read more.
 <div id="varXYZ8148" style="display: none">
  <div class="atom:content">
   <p>The very gadgets – computers linked...</p>
   ... the rest of the extended content ...

  ... this link makes the extended section hide ...
  <img src="..." width="16" height="10" alt="" />
   <a href="#008148" onclick="showMore(8148,0);return true;">
    Read less.


  • atom:content divs were created for each the of the text sections, so that non-content coded would not be incorrectly marked
  • there are two atom:content sections; together they make the complete content
  • the conversion of <div class="header"> to <h3>
  • the addition of atom:entry as needed
  • the removal of the <a name="008148"> in favor of placing an id on the atom:entry
  • further manipulation of the author could be done
  • further manipulation of the category could be done

Entrée Permalink

Permalinks roughly correspond to atom:link. See blog-post-examples#Entry_Permalinks for examples.

A permalink is called canonical if it is the best representation of the URI for that entry; the definition of what 'best representation' is is entirely at the discretion of the weblog's publisher. We recommend that weblogs use canonical URIs because it allows "threading" together multiple posts and sources with byte-level comparisons. In general, the canonical URI should be the link used in an Atom entry.

Microformat Recommandation

  • an Entry MUST NOT have more than one permalink marked as atom:link
  • permalinks SHOULD be absolute URIs
  • permalinks SHOULD be canonical
  • permalinks SHOULD be the same as the atom:link used in syndication feeds

Exemple Transformations


<div class="entry">
 <h3 id="post-45">
   title="Permanent Link to FooBar Microformats">FooBar Microformats</a>


<div class="atom:entry entry">
 <h3 id="post-45">
   rel="atom:link bookmark"
   title="Permanent Link to FooBar Microformats">FooBar Microformats</a>


<p>Today's news: Neuticles win ... award.</p>
<p class="posted">
Posted by judi on October  7, 2005 at 05:00 PM |
<a href="">Permalink</a>


<div class="atom:entry">
 <p>Today's news: Neuticles win ... award.</p>
 <p class="posted">
 Posted by judi on October  7, 2005 at 05:00 PM |
 <a rel="atom:link" href="">Permalink</a>

Entry Datetimes - Creation and Modified

Weblogs typically display (in HTML) the creation time of their posts (roughly but not exactly corresponding to atom:published) and not so much the last modified time (atom:updated).

Also see datetime-design-pattern for more information on specifying datetimes. The recommendation here is styled after datetimes in hcalendar.

Formes vues dans la jungle

See blog-post-formats#Datetimes-fr

Microformat Recommandation

  • date headers between weblog entries are outside of this microformat
  • atom:published SHOULD be indicated by an abbr element around the human readable version of the date or datetime.
    • the 'class' attribute MUST indicate atom:published
    • the 'title' attribute MUST be a complete datetime, in the format of datetime-design-pattern
  • likewise for atom:updated, if present

Exemple transformation

Note that the string 'atom:published' is a placeholder for something to be decided later.


<a href"...">Friday, September 30th, 2005 at 12:31 pm</a>


<a href"..."><abbr 
 title"200050930T12:31:01-0500">Friday, September 30th, 2005 at 12:31 pm</abbr></a>

Entrée Author

A work in progress

Microformat Recommandation

  • Entry Authors SHOULD be inside a <address> block

Possible Atom to microformat(s) mapping

  • feed - "hfeed"
    • title - imply from <title> element
    • subtitle - re-use "description" per vCalendar, iCalendar, hCalendar, xFolk, and hReview.
    • id - imply from page URL
    • updated - "updated"
    • author - "author", if none found, imply from <address> (which SHOULD be used anyway), either way, MUST be an hCard.
    • generator - set by the converting script / XSLT, omit from hAtom. Similar to PRODID in hCalendar.
    • logo - re-use "logo" from hCard
    • icon - define new rel-icon (see XHTML2) for this
    • category - rel-tag + rel-directory
    • rights - rel-license
  • entry - "hentry"
    • title - "headline"
    • link - rel-bookmark from HTML4
    • id - imply from permalink
    • summary - "excerpt"
    • content - "content"
    • published - "published"
    • updated - "updated"
    • author - "author", MUST be hCard, SHOULD be <address>
    • rights - rel-license

Plusieurs fils sur une page

Post hAtom 1.0: support multiple feeds on a single page. Changes from above.

  • feed
    • title - "headline", same as entry
    • id - define new rel-canonical microformat for this.
    • author - "author" required.
  • entry


titre du fil

I initially thought "fn" would make sense for the feed title, but having looked at some blogs/feeds, though in many cases the title of the blog/feed *is* the name of the blog/feed, this is often not the case.

Two examples:

  1. . Some blog titles consist of the blog name and the date, e.g. Scripting News does this.
  2. . Some blog titles consist of the blog name and a short temporary phrase or saying

I have seen both of these in the wild often enough to believe that blog title and blog name are not the same, thus it is inappropriate to re-use "fn" from hCard, since the feed title does not mean the same thing as the *name* of the feed. Thus I have removed the suggestion to re-use "fn" for feed title, and instead propose re-using "headline" from the entry, which does appear to have the same semantic.

Possibilités Supplémentaires

More post hAtom 1.0 thoughts:

  • entry
    • summary - "excerpt" or "abstract"
    • contributor - "contributor"
    • source - use <blockquote cite="">, put source in cite attribute.

Possible Uses

This section describes potential applications for a blog post microformat

Usages Transformationnels

By transformational, we mean feeding a weblog post to some sort of transformation tool (such as XSLT) to produce a different version of the post fit for a different use.

Imprimer les Billets de Blogs


  • ZDNet has a reblog button that would be made obsolete (or could be substantially improved) by use of this microformat
  • was the inspiration for this idea. This may be renamed RedirectThis?

Usages d'Archives

By 'archival', we mean taking weblog entries and placing them in a database for later analysis, searching, aggregation and so forth.

Database Personnelle

Moteur de Recherche

Blogs avec Texte Partiels

Partial content blogs can be created by producing the full html content of a blog entry but not marking it up as such. The atom:summary portion of that entry can be marked up as summary, or could be written up and placed in a hidden block element within the html. hAtom parsers would ignore the unannotated content and produce summary information only.


Header Tag pour Entry Title?

--Bryan 14:55, 14 Aug 2005 (PDT)

Many weblog CMSes allow for concurrent publishing of entries in the following ways:

  • multiple entries on a page (an "Index," monthly archive, category archive, etc. see Example)
  • one entry on a page (see Example)

Early attempts at blog-post-formats have set the title of the blog post to use the h3 tag.

At least where individual entry pages are concerned (and possible including indexes and archives), I recommend using h1 for the entry title, given that the entry is by far the most important chunk of information on the page, and it's what we'd want search engines to recognize as such. In the case where the h1 was used for the site title, fears about "losing" this information should be allayed by simply including the site name in the title tag, after the title of the article / entry / post.

Whether an h3 or h1 is used is irrelevant, the semantics will be applied with classnames. This is a non-issue. --RyanKing 22:35, 18 Aug 2005 (PDT)

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