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Citation Formats

This page will display several different types of citation format types. The idea is to compare what properties are common amonst all of the formats and which ones should be blended into this microformat.


<!ELEMENT pubs (pub+)>
<!ENTITY % pubElements "(artTitle|bookTitle|author|date|pubDate|publisher|pageNums|url)">
<!ELEMENT pub (para | %pubElements;)*>
<!ELEMENT artTitle (#PCDATA | link)*>
<!ELEMENT bookTitle (#PCDATA | link)*>
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT pubDate (month?, year)> <!-- Deprecated in 1.4.0. -->
<!ELEMENT publisher (#PCDATA | link | url)*>
<!ELEMENT pageNums (#PCDATA)>


Fields Used by Bibtex

abstract: An abstract of the work.
address: Publisher's address. For major publishing houses,
       just the city is given. For small publishers, you can
help the reader by giving the complete address.
affiliation: The author's affiliation.
annote: An annotation. It is not used by he standard
       bibliography styles, but may be used by others that
produce an annotated bibliography.
author: The name(s) of the author(s).
booktitle:  Title of a book, part of which is being cited. For
       book entries, use the title field
chapter: A chapter (or section) number.
contents: A Table of Contents.
copyright: Copyright information.
crossref: The database key of the entry being cross-referenced.
edition:  The edition of a book - for example "Second". Notice that it is in capitals.
editor:  Name(s) of editor(s). If there is also an author
       field, then the editor field gives the editor of the book
or collection in which the reference appears.
howpublished: How something strange has been published. The first word should be capitalized.
institution: The sponsoring institution of a technical report.
ISBN: The International Standard Book Number.
ISSN: The International Standard Serial Number. Used to identify a journal.
journal:  A journal name. Abbreviations are provided for many journals.
key:  Used for alphabetizing and creating a label when the
       author and editor fields are missing. This field should
       not be confused with the key that appears at the
beginning of the reference.
keywords: Key words used for searching or possibly for annotation.
language: The language the document is written in.
LCCN: The Library of Congress Call Number.
location: A location associated with the entry, such as the city in which a conference took place.
month:  The month in which the work was published or, for an unpublished work, in which it was written.
mrnumber: The Mathematical Reviews number.
note: Any additional information that can help the reader. First word should be capitalized.
number:  The number of a journal, magazine, technical report,
       or of a work in a series. An issue of a journal or
       magazine is usually identified by its volume and number;
       the organization that issues a technical report usually
       gives it a number; and sometimes books are given numbers
in a named series.
organization:  The organization that sponsors a conference or publishes a manual.
pages: One or more page numbers or ranges of number, such as 37--42, or 7,53,82--94.
price: The price of the material.
publisher: The publisher's name.
school: The name of the school where a thesis was written.
series: Then name given a series or set of books. When citing
       an entire book, the title field gives its title and the
       optional series field gives the name of a series in which
the book was published.
size: The physical dimensions of the work.
title: The work's title.
type: The type of technical report - for example, "Research Note".
url: The WWW Universal Resource Locator that points to the
       item being referenced. Often used for technical reports
to point to the FTP site where it resides.
volume: The volume of a journal or multivolume book.
year: The year of publication or, for an unpublished work,
       the year it was written. It should only consist of
numerals, such as 1976.

BibTeX citation Types

A reference can be to any of a variety of types. Following is a list of types. Each one also explains the fields associated with that type. Any fields not listed as required or optional are considered to be ignored.

article: An article from a journal or magazine. Required
       fields: author, title, journal, year. Optional fields:
volume, number, pages, month, note, key.
book: A book with an explicit publisher. Required fields:
       author or editor, title, publisher, year. Optional
       fields: volume, series, address, edition, month, note,
booklet:  A work that is printed and bound, but without a named
       publisher or sponsoring institution. Required fields:
       title. Optional fields: author, howpublished, address,
month, year, note, key.
collection: A collection of works. Same as <a href="#proceedings">Proceedings</a>.
conference: The same as <a href="#inproceedings">Inproceedings</a>.
inbook: A part of a book, which may be a chapter and/or a
       range of pages. Required fields: author or editor, title,
       chapter and/or pages, publisher, year. Optional fields:
volumer, series, address, edition, month, note, key.
incollection: A part of a book with its own title. Required fields:
       author, title, booktitle, publisher, year. Optional
       fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address,
month, note, key.
<a name="inproceedings"></a>inproceedings: An article in a conference proceedings. Required
       fields: author, title, booktitle, year. Optional fields:
       editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month,
note, key.
manual:  Technical documentation. Required fields: title.
       Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition,
month, year, note.
mastersthesis: A Master's thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year. Optional fields: address, month, note, key.
misc: Use this type when nothing else fits. Required
       fields: none. Optional fields: author, title,
howpublished, month, year, note, key.
patent: A patent.
phdthesis: A Ph.D. thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year. Optional fields: address, month, note, key.
<a name="proceedings"></a>proceedings: The proceedings of a conference. Required fields:
       title, year. Optional fields: editor, publisher,
organization, address, month, note, key.
techreport: A report published by a school or other institution,
       usually numbered within a series. Required fields:
       author, title, institution, year. Optional fields: type,
number, address, month, note, key.
unpublished: A document with an author and title, but not formally
       published. Required fields: author, title, note. Optional
fields: month, year, key.



AUTHOR = "Donald E. Knudson",
TITLE = "1966 World Gnus Almanac",
PUBLISHER = {Permafrost Press},
ADDRESS = {Novosibirsk} }

<div class="book" id="kn:gnus">
  <div class="author">Donald E. Knudson</div>
  <div class="title">1966 World Gnus Almanac</div>
  <div class="publisher">Permafrost Press</div>
  <div class="address">Novosibirsk</div>


author = "X. Ai and H. S. Cheng",
title = "Influence of moving dent on point {EHL} contacts",
journal = "Tribol. Trans.",
volume = "37",
year = "1994",
pages = "323--335",

<div class="article" id="XAi_HSCheng_1994a">
  <div class="author">X. Ai and H. S. Cheng</div>
  <div class="title">Influence of moving dent on point {EHL} contacts</div>
  <div class="journal">Tribol. Trans.</div>
  <div class="volume">37</div>
  <div class="year">1994</div>
  <div class="pages">323--335</div>