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Revision as of 05:42, 5 December 2008 by BenWard (talk | contribs) (→‎Use Cases)
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Embedding content across different publishers — such as showing YouTube videos in blog posts, Flickr photographs in Pownce, preview images next to bookmarked links.

Sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo and others publish ‘embed code’ to aid users in copy+pasting content into their own repostings. This is especially useful for embedding of complex content such as Shockwave Flash movies, where the HTML code is not intuitive. Sites like Flickr use copy+paste code examples to encourage and enforce link-back policies and publication of author, publisher and copyright information.


Produce a microformat to describe the embedding patterns for content and the author/publisher information connected to the content, such that a user or tool could extract the ‘embed’ from any supporting site in a common manner. That could be in the authoring stage of tools such as blogging platforms, or at the publication stage, such as Pownce showing embedded content for URLs that are posted to teh service.

Use Cases

  • Allow users to republish any embeddable piece of content by providing just a URL
  • Allow content from a URL to be extracted and displayed alongside links in microblogging systems such as Pownce and Tumblr, without those services having to write unique extraction code for every website.
  • Allow content to be shown alongside search results (e.g. via Yahoo SearchMonkey, or behind-the-scenes systems used for image previews)
  • Where you type a URL into a message (e.g. on Facebook), a service looks up the URL and grabs the page title and a content snippet to display with the the message. A kind of ‘rich link’. This microformat would enable more relevant content to be parsed out of pages.
  • Allow content to be marked up in such a way that the embed code can be taken from mark-up itself if appropriate, not just explicit chunks of code.

Existing Sytems

The creators of Pownce have created an XML standard called oEmbed. This is a standalone XML representation of embeddable content, similar to a feed entry, but including additional fields for the host site (the publisher), and the exact code needed to include the content object in pages.

oEmbed uses an XRDS endpoint, linked to from the content page, to provide the oEmbed representation of a resource.



  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • Vimeo
  • Last.FM
  • Skitch
  • Photobucket


Consumption of embedable content is spread throughout a number of different use cases:


  • Pownce is the original pioneer of the oembed standard. It takes a URL input for an external resource, and where supported embedable content is found, the embed is included with the link post.

Pownce notes are already marked up with hAtom, and include embedded content within a class of attachment.

In addition to the fields of hAtom, the embedded content includes:

  • Linking back to the publishing source
  • Attribution to the embedded content creator
  • Count of the times the content has been downloaded from this publisher
<li id="note4390327" class="public-note hentry">
    <div class="note-contents"> 
        <a href="/ariel/"> 
            <img src="/profile_photos/a/r/i/ariel/304_medium.jpg" width="48" height="48" title="Ariel Waldman" class="user" /> 
        	<em class="pro-2">Pro!</em> 
        <p class="entry-content">
            <em class="note-type entry-title">
                <a href="/ariel/notes/4390327/" rel="bookmark">Public</a>
            My favorite Pownce post from !<a href="/leahculver/">leahculver</a>.
        <div class="attachment">                
                <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/arielwaldman/3078507970/in/photostream/"> 
                    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3210/3078507970_5811e41585_m.jpg" alt="Pownce" /><br /> 
            <div class="by-caption">
                <span>photo by</span>
                <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/arielwaldman/" >arielwaldman</a>
            <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/arielwaldman/3078507970/in/photostream/" class="note-url"> 
            <div class="note-count"> 
                <span id="click-count-4390327">(14 views)</span>     

        <div class="note-location fireeagle"> 
            <span class="locator"><a href="/settings/fireeagle/">Fire Eagle</a>:
            <span class="locality">San Francisco, CA</span> 
            <span class="country-name">US</span>
            <abbr class="published" title="1 day ago">1 day ago</abbr> 
            <span class="vcard author"> 
                <a href="/ariel/" class="sender url"> 
                    <span class="fn"> 
                        Ariel Waldman					
            <a href="/ariel/notes/4390327/" class="reply">2  Replies </a> 
            <a href="/ariel/notes/4390327/forward/" class="forward">Forward</a> 

— Source of a full note, embedding a Flickr photograph, from http://pownce.com/benward

<div class="attachment">     
            <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
             width="300" height="247" id="jxT0ELP7az0" align="middle"> 
            <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jxT0ELP7az0" /> 
            <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jxT0ELP7az0" quality="high"
             width="300" height="247" name="jxT0ELP7az0"
             align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"
             type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" />

    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxT0ELP7az0" class="note-url">
    <div class="note-count"> 
        <span id="click-count-3949474">(4 views)</span> 

— Source snippet of a video note, showing the YouTube video attachment, from [1]

  • Tumblr
  • Delicious
  • Yahoo Search
  • Google Search
  • Facebook's ‘Compose New Message’ interface