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<entry-title>h-entry</entry-title> Tantek Çelik (Editor)

h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat draft standards suitable for embedding data in HTML/HTML5.

h-entry is the microformats2 update to hAtom.


Here is a simple blog post example:

<article class="h-entry">
  <h1 class="p-name">Microformats are amazing</h1>
  <p>Published by <a class="p-author h-card">W. Developer</a>
     on <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-06-13 12:00:00">13<sup>th</sup> June 2013</time>
  <p class="p-summary">In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats.</p>
  <div class="e-content">
    <p>Blah blah blah</p>

Get started

The class h-entry is a root class name that indicates the presence of an h-entry.

p-name, p-author, dt-published and the other h-entry property classnames listed below define properties of the h-entry.

See microformats2-parsing to learn more about property classnames.


h-entry properties, inside an element with class h-entry:

  • p-name - entry name/title
  • p-summary - short entry summary
  • e-content - full content of the entry
  • dt-published - when the entry was published
  • dt-updated - when the entry was updated
  • p-author - who wrote the entry, optionally embedded h-card(s)
  • p-category - entry categories/tags
  • u-url - entry permalink URL
  • u-uid - unique entry ID
  • p-geo - geophysical location the entry was posted from, optionally embed h-geo
    Main article: h-geo
  • p-latitude - decimal latitude
  • p-longitude - decimal longitude
  • p-altitude - decimal altitude

The following experimental properties are in use in the wild but are not yet part of the spec:

  • u-in-reply-to - the URL which the h-entry is considered a reply to or comment on.
    • Potentially optionally an embedded (or nested?) h-entry (for reply contexts) but I’m the only one doing that right now so not considered a recommendation --bw 16:44, 13 June 2013 (UTC)
  • p-comment - optionally embedded (or nested?) h-entry(ies), each of which is a comment on/reply to the parent h-entry. See comment-brainstorming.

The following properties are proposed additions based on various existing link preview markup conventions which are not yet used in the wild (Related: link-preview-brainstorming)

  • u-photo
  • u-audio - consider special u- parsing rules for <audio>
  • u-video - consider special u- parsing rules for <video>

All properties are optional.


h-entry is a microformats.org draft specification. Public discussion on h-entry takes place on h-entry-feedback, the #microformats irc channel on irc.freenode.net, and microformats-new mailing list.

h-entry is ready to use and implemented in the wild, but for backwards compatibility you should also mark h-entries up as classic hAtom entries.

Property Details

(stub, to be expanded)

hAtom-specific implementations that perform custom display or translation (e.g. to Atom XML) SHOULD prefer p-name over p-entry-title, and use p-entry-title value(s) as a fallback if there is no p-name.


  • What is the p-name of a note?
    • A few options, from simplest to most detailed.
      • same as the p-content/e-content property.
      • same as the title element on the note permalink post page. When publishing a note on its own permalink post page, the contents of the note are likely abbreviated for the title of the page. The same abbreviation can be used for the p-name.
      • first sentence of the p-content/e-content property. It may be better for syndication and link-preview purposes to provide just the first sentence of the note as the p-name. Similarly if only a portion of the content is syndicated to other sites, that portion can be marked up as the p-summary.
  • ...

Examples in the wild

Real world in the wild examples:

Main article: validators

Test and validate microformats2 markup in general with:

Backward Compatibility

Publisher Compatibility

For backward compatibility, you may wish to use classic hAtom classnames in addition to the more future-proof h-entry properties, for example:

<div class="h-entry hentry">
  <h1 class="p-name entry-title">My great blog post</h1>

Parser Compatibility

Microformats parsers should detect classic properties and parse them as microformats2 properties. If an "h-entry" is found, don't look for an "hentry" on the same element.

Compat root class name: hentry
Properties: (parsed as p- plain text unless otherwise specified):

  • entry-title - parse as p-name
  • entry-summary
  • entry-content - parse as e-
  • published - parse as dt-
  • updated - parse as dt-
  • author - including compat root vcard in the absence of h-card
  • category
  • geo - parse as p-geo h-geo including compat root geo
  • latitude
  • longitude


This work is based on the existing hAtom microformat, and extensive selfdogfooding in the indie web camp community.

Design Principles

(stub, expand)

See Also