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Location Formats

This is a list of previous efforts at location / geographic ("Geo") data formats and protocols, as background research for developing a location format.

vCard & hCard

vCard (RFC2426) and hcard includes 'adr', a way to markup addresses. There is also a field called 'geo' for lat/long.


Comma seperated list of lat/long <meta name="ICBM" content="XXX.XXXXX, XXX.XXXXX"> [1]

This is incorrect. It is one pair, not a list.


Flickr Geotags



A2B is a location based search engine. Lat and long only. Seems to pick stuff up from geo meta tags. Pages can either be manually entered or pinged. They support lat/long and ICBM meta tags.


Several people have tried putting geographic information into RSS.

  • This site uses icbm coordinates and has plugins for several blogging packages.
  • BlogMapper - appears to be adding a namespace to RSS.
  • BlogMap - picks up RSS extension and meta tag values
  • worldKit RSS docs - worldKit advocates and understands various flavors of geocoded RSS; particularly the "geo" namespace.
  • USGS earthquake feed - most widely used geocoded RSS feed
  • Polygons and lines in polygons - A simple format for expressing polygons and lines is defined for worldKit


Both of these systems are freely available sources of address to lat/long mappings (US only). I think they're based on US Census data, so they might be up to date.


Plazes is a system that does geo-info based on the network access point that the user's computer is connected to. They use tagging to identify locations.

Mapping Sites

Semantic Web

  • Geosemantics Interest Group
  • GeoOnion - a SW vocuabulary for relating items by distance from each other.
  • RDFMap
  • GeoRDF similar effort to collect prior art, for an effort in interoperability between OGC standards and various lightweight geo formats.


Geographic Markup Language - a "600 page standard"


Google Earth XML

20050629 at Where 2.0 conference:

"Google Earth has an XML schema for describing a place on the earth. Will be releasing today or tomorrow." 
  - John Hanke of Google/Keyhole.

Reverse engineered here today...

Google Maps API

Yahoo Maps API


Open Geospatial Consortium


Web Coverage Service

What People are Publishing

* links to mapping services, canonical URLs to 3rd party services like:
 * Google Maps
 * Map Quest
 * Yahoo Maps
* named places, e.g. Westin St. Francis
* addresses
* Lat & Lon
 * MAKE has a GeoURL button
 * Geo in RSS.  Means a particular blog post is associated with a specific lat/long.  Not specific about whether it means the location that the post was made from or the location was the post was about.

Other Formats

(move these into lists near top of document)

* GPX = GPS XML format