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Revision as of 16:37, 6 June 2013 by Barnabywalters (talk | contribs) (Moved discussion to a separate section)
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h-example is a microformats-2 standard for representing Examples. It builds upon the classic hExample microformat.

Translations: link to each translation as hCard does


  • p-name (was fn): The name of the example
    • <span class="p-name">Banana #1</span>
  • p-summary (was example-summary): A short textual summary of the example
    • <p class="p-summary">An example of how examples may be exampled</p>
  • p-author (was author): The author of the example. Optionally an h-card


Implied examples, if any:

Full example:

<div class="h-example">
  <span class="p-name">An Example Example</span>
  <p>Published <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-05-02 12:00:00">two days ago</time></p>
  <p class="p-author h-card">Mr. Author</p>
  <img class="u-photo" src="" alt="" />
  <p class="p-summary">An example example showing you how to example</p>
 "type": ["h-example"],
 "properties": {
  "name": ["An Example Example"],
  "published": ["2013-05-02 12:00:00"],
  "author": [{
    "type": ["h-card"],
    "properties": {
     "name": ["Mr. Author"]
    "value": "Mr. Author"
  "photo": [""],
  "summary": ["An example example showing you how to example"]


Properties first or examples first? returning viewers are most likely to want quick reference to properties, first time viewers are most likely to want an example. Perhaps do as hCard does with the property list => markup 1:1 thing, unless that ends up looking too noisy?


For each property, give:

  • classname e.g. p-name
  • legacy BC classname
  • meaning e.g. The name of the example
  • example value e.g. “An example of an artisanal banana-peeling pattern”
    • full element

Perhaps link to common, shared/implied property classnames (p-name, u-url etc) to their own page? TODO: how to handle properties which probably should be a nested microformat but can also be a plain value? E.G. author:


Ideally all examples will be shown 1:1 with their JSON representation, OR editable with JS to submit it to a parser and show the JSON — this would encourage people to experiment and greater understand the relationship between markup and parsed structure.

  • (perhaps marked up as a test case so the spec page becomes a test suite too)
  • actually, side by side doesn’t work so well, perhaps one after the other or switch between them or just have an external parser provide the JSON repr?