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 <li><a href="" rel="sweetheart date muse friend met" title="Amber Nixon">Amber</a></li>
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 <li><a href="" rel="friend colleague met" title="Eric Meyer" class="ref xfnfriendly">meyerweb</a></li>
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 <li><a href="" rel='met friend colleague'>David Baron</a></li>
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 <li><a href="" title="Adam Hertz" class="ref" rel="met acquaintance colleague co-worker">To Wish For Impossible Things</a></li>
 <li><a rel="met acquaintance colleague co-worker" href="">Joi Ito</a></li>
 <li><a href="" rel="friend met colleague co-worker" title="Kevin Marks">Kevin Marks</a></li>
 <li><a href="" title="Ian Kallen" rel="met acquaintance colleague co-worker">What's That Noise?!</a></li>
 <li><a href="" rel="met acquaintance colleague co-worker" title="David Sifry">Sifry's alerts</a></li>
 <li><a href="" rel="met friend colleague co-worker neighbor" title="Derek Powazek">This is Powazek</a></li>
 <li><a href="" rel="met friend colleague co-worker neighbor" title="Jason DeFillippo">A Fresh Start</a></li>
 <li><a href="" title="Bradley Allen" rel="met acquaintance colleague co-worker">Bradley Allen</a></li>
 <li><a href="" title="Robert Scoble" rel="met acquaintance colleague">Scobleizer</a> (<a href="" rel="met acquaintance colleague">2</a>) </li>
 <li><a href="" rel="colleague met">Nick Finck</a></li>
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 <li><a href="" class="ref" rel="met acquaintance colleague" title="Aaron Swartz">Aaron Swartz</a></li>
 <li><a rel="met acquaintance colleague" href="" title="Danah Boyd">apophenia</a></li>
 <li><a rel="me" href="">orkut profile</a></li>



Une très bonne implémentation du standard hCard

J'ai remarqué que cet auteur évite de mettre à jour son implémentation pour refléter les brouillons révisés. Peut-être que c'est aussi bien de remarquer le problème de ne pas être capable de placer le suffixe dans une méta-description.

<div class="vcard"> <img style="float:right; margin:4px" src="" alt="Profile photo" class="photo"/> <a class="url fn" href="" title="Full name"><span class="n given-name">Gerard</span> <span class="n family-name">Braad</span> Jr.</a> <span class="nickname">g_braad</span> <span class="bday" title="Date of Birth">1981-02-22</span> <div class="org" title="Organisation"><a class="url work" href="">Sur-V-ioN</a></div> <span class="role" title="Role">(Freelance) Software Developer</span> <div class="adr"> <div class="street-address" title="Street">Rustenburgstraat 224</div> <span class="postal-code" title="Postal code">7311JC</span> <span class="locality" title="City">Apeldoorn</span> <span class="country-name" title="Country">The Netherlands</span> </div> <div class="tel"> <span class="pref work voice" title="Work phonenumber">+31 (0)87 1901 799</span> <span class="home voice" title="Home phonenumber">+31 (0)55 521 2488</span> <span class="cell voice" title="Cell phonenumber">+31 (0)6 4256 7996</span> </div> <div class="email"> <a class="pref internet" title="Primary email" href="">me at gbraad dot nl</a> <a class="internet" title="Alternate email" href="">g_braad at survion dot com</a> <a class="internet" title="Alternate email" href="">g_braad at spotsnel dot nl</a> </div> </div> <div class="services"> <span class="yahoo" title="Yahoo! contact">g_braad</span> <span class="msn" title="MSN contact"></span> <span class="icq" title="ICQ number">25725591</span> <span class="aim" title="AIM contact">gbraadjr</span> <span class="skype" title="Skype username">g_braad</span> <span class="gizmo" title="Gizmo username">g_braad</span> </div>


Tests Multiples