[uf-discuss] RFC: Proposal for general purpose microformat

Robert Bachmann rbach at rbach.priv.at
Fri Dec 2 17:29:57 PST 2005

Abramo Bagnara wrote:
>>I suspect many here are tired of fending off attempt after attempt at 
>>generalization, as such attempts tend to come at a cost of simplicity 
>>(and therefor adoption).
> About simplicity I guess that a rather reliable way to measure it is to
> compare stylesheet needed for data extraction.

The complexity of your (XSLT, I assume) stylesheet isn't a good measure.

IMO it's better to have a few developers spending 200 hours on
developing a XSLT stylesheet and the average content author needs 5-10
minutes for marking up his HTML with hReview/hCalendar/hCard/etc... than
a few developers spending 20 hours on developing a XSLT stylesheet and
the average content author needs 20-40 minutes for marking up his HTML.

Just my 2 cents,
Robert Bachmann <rbach at rbach.priv.at> (OpenPGP KeyID: 0x4A5CCF10)

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