[microformats-discuss] personal intro

Robert Bachmann rbach at rbach.priv.at
Sun Jul 17 06:31:29 PDT 2005

Ryan King wrote:
> We've had a lot of people join the list recently and most people 
> probably don't know who else is subscribed to the list (there's 51 
> total). So, some personal introductions are in order...

Maybe I should also introduce my self.

My name is Robert Bachmann, I'm twenty years old and I live in Austria.
I recently finished school (*):
HTL Moedling, Department of Electronics with key course element on
computer engineering.

Since some years (4?) I'm playing with (X)HTML and XHTML, then
I've learned about microformats by accident and now I'm here. ;-)
I have a good knowledge of C, VB, PHP and (X)HTML and
also a (little) working knowledge of C++, XML, XSLT and Python.


I've found a short description in English on

"HTL Moedling is the largest technical high school in Europe with more
than 3,200 students, 400 teachers, and 100 contract employees." [1]
Robert Bachmann <rbach at rbach.priv.at> (OpenPGP KeyID: 0x4A5CCF10)

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