[microformats-discuss] Step-by-step Greasemonkey Demo?

David Janes -- BlogMatrix davidjanes at blogmatrix.com
Tue Oct 18 04:16:12 PDT 2005

Hi Ernie,

Although I'm fairly certain that this isn't want Tantek used, I've got a 
GreaseMonkey script that demos well and is entirely self-contained.

- install microfomat-find [1]

(2) hCard demos
- go to Neil Dunn's vCard [2]
- look for the [hCard] icon and click on it
- click on "Add to Address Book"
... note the magic of the data: URI here ...

- go to [3]
- select any presenter
- look for the [hCard] icon and click on it
- click on "Show as Text"

- go to [4]
- look for the [hCard] icon and click on it
- click on "Show on Google Maps"
... go "ooo and ahh" ...

(3) xFolk demo
- go to [5]
- look for the [xFolk] icon and click on it
- look up tags on other services

I guess the other thing I should mention is that I'll probably be 
depreciating much of the code of this in favour of Mark Pilgrim's 
scripts for extracting the data, if I ever have free time again.

Regards, etc...

[1] http://www.blogmatrix.com/include/microformat-find.user.js
[2] http://www.ndunn.com/2005/10/7/hCard
[3] http://we05.com/presenters.cfm
[4] http://www.blogmatrix.com/company_main/
[5] http://thecommunityengine.com/home/archives/2005/10/xfolk_vegomatic.html

Dr.Ernie Prabhakar wrote:
> Hi all,
> So, I'd like to do a demo for some people at work this Thursday.  The  
> most interesting thing, I think, would be like what Tantek did at Web  
> 2.0: running GreaseMonkey scripts against microformats in a web page,  
> and generating hCards and hCals to add to AddressBook/iCal.
> Since I know nothing about GreaseMonkey, could someone walk me  through 
> the process to:
> a) find the right scripts
> b) find a good webpage for testing
> c) make sure it all works
> I do at least have GreaseMonkey installed, but I'm not sure I've got  it 
> working....
> Thanks,
> -- Ernie P.

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