[uf-discuss] Ordered Lists

Paul Kinlan paul.kinlan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 09:06:52 PDT 2006


This is going to sound pretty trivial, and I hope that no one minds me
asking this.

I am looking for a way to do "Top 10's".  I don't want to suggest a
Microformat or anything for this.  But I was wondering if anyone has
experience in parsing Lists of information.

My first thought is to make a parser look for OL XHTML elements and
then work off that, perhaps using the title attribute to determine the
topic of the ordered list.

Would people be able to suggest other ways they would consider looking
for ordered information.  i.e do you think that there would be any
semantic meaning to the posistion of elements in an xoxo formatted
listing or OPML.

Kind Regards,
Paul Kinlan

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