[uf-discuss] hAtom suggestions

Robert Bachmann rbach at rbach.priv.at
Sat Feb 25 09:15:21 PST 2006


"[A]ny microformat content inside a <blockquote> or <cite> element
within the Entry is should not be considered part of the Entry."

I think this should also apply to <q>, since <q> is very similar to

Entry Permalink
"[I]f the Entry Permalink is missing, use the URI of the page"

IMO this should be changed to
 * If the Entry Permalink is missing, the URI of the page is used.
   * If the Entry element has an ID attribute it will be append to the
     page URI.

So the permanent link for
 <div class="hentry" id="bar">
 </div> <!-- found on http://example.com/foo.html -->
would be <http://example.com/foo.html#bar>.

Feed title

Currently there's no way to specify the feed title.
Here's my proposal:

 ===== Feed Title =====
 * a Feed Title element is identified by the class name
 * a Feed SHOULD have a Feed Title
 * a Feed Title element represents the concept of an atom feed title
 * if the Entry Title is missing, use
 ** the first <h#> element in the Feed (which isn't inside of an Entry),
 ** the nearest in parent <h#> element, or
 ** the page's title

Feed Permalink

Could we have a Feed permalink similar to an Entry Permalink?
Here's my proposal:

 ===== Feed Permalink =====
 * a Feed Permalink element is identified by [[rel-bookmark]]
 * a Feed SHOULD have a Feed Permalink
 * a Feed Permalink element represents the concept of an
   atom link in a feed
 * If the Feed Permalink is missing, the URI of the page is used.
   * If the Feed element has an ID attribute it will be append to the
     page URI.

rel-tag and categories

How should rel-tag's be mapped to Atom categories?

Someone suggested that
 <a href="http://example.com/tags/foo">bar</a>
should be mapped to
 <atom:category term="foo"
                label="bar" />

An other way would be
 <atom:category term="http://example.com/tags/foo"

Parsing rules
I think we should create a page similar to "hcard-parsing" for hAtom.
I noticed there's already a page named "hatom-hints" which has seems to
have the same purpose. Maybe it should be renamed to "hatom-parsing"?


Robert Bachmann <rbach at rbach.priv.at> (OpenPGP KeyID: 0x4A5CCF10)

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