[uf-discuss] Versioned Documents

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 13:05:26 PST 2006

It sounds like you are basically wanting a sort of "recently updated"
list of items via RSS.

I think Atom already has a way to reference a SOURCE and give it a
variety of date types (created, modified, etc). As for microformats
there is hAtom.


On 1/29/06, Tim Barker <timbarker at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All - i'd appreciate your thought on how microformats can (or could) be
> applied to solving the problem i'm trying to tackle:
> A lot of corporations have internal document management systems which are
> used to apply change and version control for (mainly) documents. Ironically,
> a large company will have around 8 different internal document managements,
> each focusing on a different type of document or process.
> Seems to me that an RSS feed containg a microformat describing the document
> meta-data, version infomation and enclosed file would be the ideal way to
> distribute document meta-data and version information between different
> systems. I'm thinking that it would work in a similar way to hCard, with
> each document having its own meta data.
> Is there something that does this already or is there an opportunity to have
> a hVersionedDocument or similiar?
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brian suda

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