[uf-discuss] plays, skits & scripts

Håkon Wium Lie howcome at opera.com
Tue Jan 31 02:06:22 PST 2006

Also sprach Paul Bryson:

 > Actually, I have seen people working on a format for displaying scripts (for 
 > theaters and acting).  Is that related?

This is certainly related to the work on marking up Ibsen's (or
anyone's) plays. I wrote:

 | With some difficutlies, I was able to re-generate the semantics of the
 | TEI markup from the "web edition" tag soup so that I could publish
 | semantically rich HTML. Also, I can generate beautiful PDF documents
 | from the same files.

Several people have asked me about the PDF files. They are one
click away from this link:


To find the PDF files, select a play on the left (e.g., Catilina) and
press "PDF" in the menu that appears on the right. All PDF files are
generated by Prince (www.princexml.com). Here's a sample:


The class added to the HTML markup is used to label:

 - the name of the speaker
 - what he/she says, i.e., "lines"
 - stage directions
 - acts, scenes

In part, the class names are inspired by the XML edition of
Shakespeare's complete works published by Jon Bosak:


I've merely added a CSS style sheet to his XML files. Using HTML with
class names -- a microformat! -- is a better idea, though...


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
howcome at opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

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