[uf-discuss] hAtom + Twitter/smithmag

Chris Messina chris.messina at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 18:00:48 PST 2006

Hidey ho,

Tara was unfortunately sick this Thanksgiving, so I figeted a bit
(source here[1]) with my Twitter interpretation of the smithmag
contest (details here: http://twitter.com/smithmag):


using code first created by David Kadavy.

I added hAtom support to the page using the content from MagpieRSS and
added it to the examples page:


Perhaps what's interesting is that you could use this approach for
just about any RSS feed... in order to style it in a more attractive
way... while still maintaining essentially the original semantics.

Thoughts and code improvements welcome, as I'm not really a developer.
I only play one on TV.

Happy Turkey-killing day!


[1] http://factoryjoe.com/projects/sixwords/index.txt

Chris Messina
Citizen Provocateur &
  Open Source Ambassador-at-Large
Work: http://citizenagency.com
Blog: http://factoryjoe.com/blog
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