[uf-discuss] a very early draft proposal hTagcloud

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Tue Sep 19 17:49:37 PDT 2006

On 9/19/06 5:34 PM, "John Allsopp" <john at westciv.com> wrote:

> Dmitry,
>> How to stylize it in this case to look as it usually looks on sites
>> (with different font sizes, depending on weight)?
> while David's response is right, you can use the attribute selector,
> a big reservation I just remembered I had in my proposal with title
> is that IE6 doesn't do attribute selectors, so tagclouds won't have
> style in IE6 or older. I think this is a fatal flaw - no one will use
> a format that is not supported by those browsers. So it's a good point.
> Hence my not using title. It's not such a big deal for ratings as it
> is for tagclouds IMO

This is why I used nested EMs on the Technorati tag cloud markup.

Only requires CSS1 selectors - works like a charm in IE.

Even if you can't count how many EMs there are, the CSS selectors can.


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