[uf-discuss] Microformats in the Mashroom

Chris Messina chris.messina at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 00:16:39 PDT 2007

Hey all,

As y'all may or may not know, Tara and I have been putting together
the plan (aka doing as little as humanly possible in true *camper
spirit!) to pull off a BarCamp within the Web 2.0 Open/Expo next week.
>From the looks of it, we're going to have ourselves a mighty fine

Now, one piece of the puzzle that y'all may not know about is the
hacktacular Mashroom that we'll be holding on Tuesday and Wednesday,
from 1-7pm on both days.

What's a Mashroom you ask? Well! If any of you have been to a Hack
Day, Developer Day, Mash Pit or otherwise collaborative day of
building and making use of OPA (other people's APIs), you know what
I'm talking about.


If not, well, the idea is essentially to carve out some 20% time for
the rest of us, where company lines don't apply, NDAs get checked at
the door and all code should be open and free as the freest of

This time around, here's what we're going to attempt... we'll see how it goes.

If you can make it, show up at 1pm on Tuesday in the designated
Mashroom (there'll be signs!) ... who ever is there will get put on
teams of 3-5, and we'll figure out what each team is going to build
then or leave it open, but by 6pm on Wednesday, all coding has to be
finished and teams have to be ready to present their 120 second pitch
and blow us all away.

No idea about prizes, but at the least, the winners will take home
mega gloating rights and glory. ;)

So, this should be a good time and I'd love to see some good
microformats representin' here.

Here's the link again: http://www.socialtext.net/web2open/index.cgi?the_mashroom

If you have any questions, thoughts or inspirations, let me know. Hope
to see y'all next week!


Chris Messina
Citizen Provocateur &
  Open Source Ambassador-at-Large
Work: http://citizenagency.com
Blog: http://factoryjoe.com/blog
Cell: 412 225-1051
Skype: factoryjoe
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