[uf-discuss] Re: rel-tag links with #

Toby A Inkster mail at tobyinkster.co.uk
Fri Aug 3 14:24:53 PDT 2007

Taylor Cowan wrote:

> <a rel="tag" href="/mytags/weird">This is weird and rarely happens</a>
> (although perfectly acceptable by rel-tag)

It rarely happens, but it would be good if it happened more. That way,
people whouldn't need to have an explicit list of tags at the end of the
article -- the tag links would be scattered throughout the text as
appropriate, which is more human-friendly.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
[Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
[OS: Linux 2.6.12-12mdksmp, up 44 days, 1:03.]

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