[uf-discuss] rel="nsfw"

John Allsopp john at westciv.com
Mon Jan 1 16:21:17 PST 2007


> I'm not immediately convinced that it isn't it a relationship. NSFW
> would formalise the fact that document A:
> 1) contains a link to document B
> 2) document A's author considers document B "not safe for work" by
> their own standards

at best you could make the argument that rev="nsfw" is appropriate  
within the semantics of HTML (rev is the reverse of rel). That's how  
votelinks work - rev="vote-for", the rev attribute capturing the  
sense that

"this document or a substantial part of it has the relationship with  
the destination of this link as being a vote-for it" (yes that's  

So by analogy you might argue

rev="nsfw" "means"

"this document or a substantial part of it has the relationship with  
the destination of this link as being an observation that its content  
is nsfw" (but I feel that is really pushing at least two aspects of  
rev, in particular the document (or substantial part of a document)  
level at which it works).

(One of the misleading aspects of both rel and rev is that while they  
are encoded on links, they apply to inter-document relationships))

But I certainly don't think even at a stretch you could make the  
logic of the rel attribute work sensibly in the case of rel-nsfw -  
the same objections as the rel="vote-for" I think apply, and then some.

Perhaps a (wildy off topic) suggestion to the WhatWG and or the W3s  
new HTML WG which emerges from the discussion of rel and rev is to  
consider providing attributes that enable link level assertions -  
that is a mechanism for typing links themselves, perhaps in a manner  
similar to rel and rev, so that this is extensible via profiles or  
convention. FWIW over a decade ago I implemented a hypertext based  
system that had user extensible typed links, and that feature was  
widely used by the (relatively small) user base. But that's really  
out of the scope of ufs eh?

happy new year to all


John Allsopp

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