[uf-discuss] Conference Schedule Creator

Dmitry Baranovskiy dmitry.baranovskiy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 16:34:21 PST 2007


Recently I found interesting task in Tantek's todo list [1]:
Conference Schedule Creator. Probably this is the hardest
microformatted structure so far (comparing with simplicity of
microformats in general) So, during this Christmas holidays I created
this creator and would ask you to judge it and, if it is good enough,
use it on your next conference schedule page.

Link: http://dmitry.baranovskiy.com/work/csc/

So far I used float timezones, but will add support for fixed and UTC soon.

1. http://microformats.org/wiki/to-do#help_implementers
Best regards,
Dmitry Baranovskiy

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