[uf-discuss] Re: Complete n00b: adr microformat

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 16:14:43 PST 2007

2007/11/19, Toby A Inkster <mail at tobyinkster.co.uk>:
>         <div class="locality">Surrey Hills, Sydney</div>
>         <div>
>           <span class="region"><abbr title="New South Wales">NSW</abbr></span>
>           <span class="postal-code">2010</span>
>         </div>
> Hopefully the title on the <abbr> should not trigger the abbr-design-
> pattern, because "NSW" is more appropriate for printing on address
> labels.
> How do existing implementations handle the above example?

--- implementations SHOULD not trigger the abbr-design-pattern because
the class="region" is on a span, which doesn't carry the additional
semantics. Since there is no additional classes on the abbr element,
the REGION should be just "NSW"


brian suda

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