[uf-discuss] Fragment identifiers in hCard links

Rickards, Julian (NDM) julian.rickards at ontario.ca
Thu Feb 7 13:19:45 PST 2008


I have multiple hCards on one page
). I created a unique ID for each <div class="vcard"> so that the link
beside each one
> ) allows the visitor to add specific vcards to their address book. I
tried this before (several months ago) and it seemed to work but I can't
get this process to work again. I tried using a # in the URI but the
link only downloads the first hCard on the page. When I checked my code,
I noticed that I had used %23 in place of # so I presume that this was
in response to a suggestion but when I use %23, Suda's server response
with "No vCards found".

Any help?


Julian Rickards
Geoscience Data Conversion Technician
Provincial Recording Office
Willet Green Miller Building, Level A3
933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON  P3E 6B5
E-mail: julian.rickards at ontario.ca <mailto:julian.rickards at ontario.ca> 
Phone: (705) 670-5861, Fax: (705) 670-5681
Toll-free: 1-888-415-9845 ext. 5861

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