[uf-discuss] microformats and privacy

Charles Iliya Krempeaux supercanadian at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 10:42:47 PST 2008

Obviously.... doesn't publish any information to the web that you want private.

For example.... facebook asks you for your phone number... so it can
show it to others... but you don't have to give it that info!

Microformats will help "expose" the information you are willing to put
out there.  (If you want something private... then don't "give it

Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

Motorsport Videos

Vlog Razor... Vlogging News...  http://vlograzor.com/

On Feb 9, 2008 10:22 AM, Thom Shannon <thom at ts0.com> wrote:
> What is the response to the privacy argument? As a carefree technophile
> I'm happy publishing personal info on the web. But when you're trying to
> convince a major social network to add semantics that makes their users
> personal information easier to harvest and possibly abuse. Is there any
> answer?
> http://www.flickr.com/groups/flickrideas/discuss/72157603869809336/

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