[uf-discuss] Fragment identifiers in hCard links

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 10:16:10 PST 2008

2008/2/11, Scott Reynen <scott at randomchaos.com>:
> It looks like what you're doing is correct, so I'd suggest waiting for
> Brian to comment on why it isn't working with X2V.

--- i had a look into this, and you are doing everything correctly. I
have updated my code and the URL seems to work for me now:


I am not sure exactly where the issue is, but i fixed it. It boils
down to cURL trying to fetch the URL with the fragment. Your server
was returning an empty file, so i couldn't apply the XSLT to it. I
changed cURL to fetch URLs without fragment identifiers, so this won't
break anyone else's requests. I am not sure if this is an issue with
cURL not correctly handling the URL or the server rejecting the cURL
request. Eitherway, it is fixed for me, i hope for you as well.


brian suda

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