[uf-discuss] URL and Relative paths

Karsten Januszewski karstenj at windows.microsoft.com
Wed Sep 3 11:14:49 PDT 2008

Thanks for everyone's response - all very useful.  It does appear that there is "a lot of weird code out there" and parsers have to try to account for it as best they can, depending on their purpose.  Per the RFC, it is reasonable to do some string manipulation to create an absolute URL from a relative URL.

And thanks for the welcome. You'll be hearing back from me as I continue to delve into Microformats.


-----Original Message-----
From: microformats-discuss-bounces at microformats.org [mailto:microformats-discuss-bounces at microformats.org] On Behalf Of Toby A Inkster
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 12:51 AM
To: microformats-discuss at microformats.org
Subject: [uf-discuss] URL and Relative paths

Karsten Januszewski wrote:

> Is this considered bad form?  Or is this "to spec"? I didn't see
> anything on the wiki about this...

"That which is not forbidden is mandatory." (Attributed to Murray

There's a whole bunch of weird code out there that people expect to
be parsed. If it's not forbidden by the spec, then you've just got to
roll up your sleeves and parse it.

Toby A Inkster
<mailto:mail at tobyinkster.co.uk>

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