[uf-discuss] Level of rel=contact

Sarven Capadisli info at csarven.ca
Tue Apr 6 14:23:16 PDT 2010

A little bit of semantics.

http://gmpg.org/xfn/11#contact says "contact: Someone you know how to
get in touch with. Often symmetric."

I'm thinking that rel="contact" is generally attributed to someone that
we have at least a "lowest form of friendship" with. It would also be
someone that we don't dislike e.g., blackhat SEO expert. Additionally,
if the user doesn't have control over the declaration of such
relationship, wouldn't it be more meaningful and safer to exclude this
bit of information in the output?

The example I had in mind was 'Subscribers list' at

What do you think?

I've found
http://microformats.org/wiki/xfn-clarifications#is_contact_a_better_lowest_common_denominator but is this better documented elsewhere?


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