[uf-discuss] hProduct/hReview issue

Toby Inkster mail at tobyinkster.co.uk
Fri Apr 16 05:49:45 PDT 2010

On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 12:57 +0100, George Brocklehurst wrote:
> There is an issue with using hProduct and hReview together:  An
> hProduct can include one or more hReviews. Each hReview requires an
> item, which should be the hProduct. The include-pattern prohibits
> references to an ancestor. Therefore it is not clear how to include a
> valid hReview in an hProduct. 

The other possibility would be to relax the requirement for hReview to
contain an item when it's obvious from context; the context in this case
being that the hReview is within an hProduct.

There is a similar concern re hProduct and hListing IIRC.

> Are there any objections to using item-url?

It seems to introduce extra markup that's likely to be extraneous from
an end-user point-of-view, and thus set to display:none by authors.

Toby A Inkster
<mailto:mail at tobyinkster.co.uk>

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