[uf-new] Microformats support for pagination

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 00:30:39 PST 2009

On 1/14/09, André Luís <andr3.pt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmm.. can't we use emails? if two hcards have the same email, aren't
>  they the same entity?

--- yes, but you also have the situation where you have two different
email addresses and it is the same entity.

>  > I don't think that that's quite André's point. A lot of blogs have tag
>  > clouds - long lists of perhaps a hundred tags, in various sized fonts which
>  > act as jumping off points to other parts of the site. They are not tags in
>  > the rel=tag sense of the word in that they do not describe the content of
>  > the current page, but of the site as a whole. People should not be marking
>  > them with rel=tag, but nonetheless some people do. And it means that
>  > essentially every single page on their site has the same massive set of tags
>  > - rel=tag becomes useless on the whole site.
> Exactly. I agree that this is not the purpose of rel-tags but I only
>  brought it up because out of a very small sample, quite a few examples
>  popped out. The only way out of this mess that I can think of, is to
>  create a microformat for tagclouds, like a root element with
>  class="tagcloud" (the actual name could be based on the most used
>  term) and that would give parsers the mechanism to either exclude all
>  rel-tags inside .tagcloud or to grab the rel-tags inside of the
>  .tagcloud and bail out...

--- OK, now this makes more sense. Yes, there are several ways to get
around this. One would be to ignore it in the results if it was part
of a tag cloud. Also, if they are publishing hAtom, you could do the
inverse and only look at the rel-tags inside an hEntry. Finally, you
might be able to apple some sort of normalizing algorthim to the data
set. If every page had the same 15 tags, plus X more, you could drop
the 15 from every entry thus removing the influence of the tag cloud
on each page.

>  This brings me to yet another point that I considered when I gave that
>  talk... if there was a semantic way of attaching a site-wide weight to
>  a rel-tag, that would be *awesome* for these cases. :) But we've seen
>  that embedding machine-data into microformats is a dangerous path...
>  ;)

--- well, one way to proposed to show weight was multiple <em>
elements around a rel-tag. This gives literally, more emphasis to it.
There has been discussions in the past if this is an abuse of
semantics or not. But the bigger issue is that you might have weighted
it with 2 <em> on a blog post two years ago, but now you are much more
interested so you weight it with 6 <em>. Are you going to go back and
change other values? If the weight is site-wide then you probably need
to have some sort of internal consistency.

We should capture more of these ideas on the wiki so future mailing
list questions can be pointed there rather than over several email


brian suda

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