[uf-rest] AHAH! Not yet.

Justin Maxwell soc at code404.com
Wed Jan 4 15:12:08 PST 2006

On 4 Jan 2006, at 14:43, Dr. Ernie Prabhakar wrote:

> If I'm right, then this is even more obnoxious than I thought.   
> What did you think of my suggestion of adding a "source" div to the  
> AHAH call?  Would that actually make your life simpler, by allowing  
> you to 'host' all your AHAH fragments on a single page?

I think we can be even more specific than that: source is "body".   
Part of the attraction to AHAH, for me, is its conceptual  
simplicity.   I already feel like I'm cheating by passing functions  
to it, but I need that for my application.

There would be two ways off the top of my head to do this while still  
respecting AHAH's use of responseText instead of responseXML.

1. regexp match relevant content (ALL content NOT INCLUDING content  
type declarations or <head>.*</head> elements.

2. dump the content in as usual, and remove any nodes matching  
'link', 'title' or 'meta' from the destination node

The response text contains everything -- body tag and all, but once  
it's assigned to a node via innerhtml (even an "html" element created  
via createElement), it loses the body.  So we can't  
getElementsByTagName('body').  I think option 1 is pretty solid, but  
I'd like to hear other opinions on it.

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