abbr-design-pattern-issues-resolved: Difference between revisions

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(drafted with resolved issues, including resolving some issues with obvious resolutions)
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Revision as of 00:14, 27 October 2011

<entry-title>abbr-design-pattern issues resolved</entry-title>

This page is for archiving resolved issues about the abbr-design-pattern that have pending actions. See:

resolved issues

Resolved issues that have further actions to take.

resolved 2008

Resolved issues that were raised in 2008.

  • resolved issue 2008-01-01 raised by Andy Mabbett.
    1. How are empty (title="") title attributes to be parsed? At the time of writing, X2V returns a null value; Operator uses the content of the abbr element. Such mark-up is valid, but semantically illogical. The former parser behavior seems the most logical, but results in an invalid vCard. See example.
      • ACCEPTED.
      • RESOLVED. to-do: hcard-parsing must specific how to handle to properly. Suggestion: analysis of any existing content that uses empty title attributes. If none found then simply treat it literally, that is, empty title means value for that property is also empty, though why provide the class name in that case. - Tantek
  • resolved issue 2008-01-01 raised by Andy Mabbett.
    1. How are missing title attributes to be parsed? This is both valid and semantically-meaningful mark-up (the content is an abbreviation, but we know not of what) At the time of writing, X2V and Operator both use the content of the abbr element; this seems sensible, and should, perhaps, be ratified in the spec. See example.
  • resolved issue 2008-02-04 raised by Patrick van Aalst.
    1. The <ABBR> tag is not supported by IE6; to style it, you'll need to include extra html, for example: <abbr title="2008-01-16T15:00:00-01:00"><span class="dtstart">16 januari 2008</span></abbr>.
      • ACCEPTED FAQ. to-do add a styling notes section that documents a suggestion for IE6 support. - Tantek

see also