item-license: Difference between revisions

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(moved from licensing-brainstorming and updated per brainstorming with Mike Linksvayer)
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Revision as of 01:02, 1 March 2010


item-license is one of several licensing brainstorm proposals, per the microformats process towards developing a licensing microformat for authors to indicate licenses to portions of pages or external resources like images.


This proposal (re-)uses the containing/root class "item" (see also hReview, hListing, hProduct) to indicate the scope of the thing that is being licensed, rel="item-license" to indicate the specific license(s), "item-url" to license one or external resources like images, and "attribution" to indicate attribution information.

to do

  • add embedded/linked image to brainstorm with Mike Linksvayer on whiteboard, 2010-055 at Creative Commons offices.

content portion licensing

Here is an example of a chunk of hypertext content that is being licensed:

<div class="item">
  <p>... blog post or article text content ...</p>
  <p>This is licensed under a
  <a rel="item-license" href="">
   Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.0 license</a>.

external resource licensing

To specify a license on an external resource like a photograph, we can use a new class name "item-url" to identify the external resource as being the actual item:

<div class="item">
  <a class="item-url" href="photo.jpg">photograph</a>
  is licensed under a
  <a rel="item-license" href="">
   Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.0 license

item-url details

  • Authors should provide one "item-url" for an external resource that is being licensed.
  • If more than one "item-url" is provided, they are assumed to be copies/mirrors/versions (perhaps different resolutions or formats) of the same item, and all have the same license(s) and attribution terms (if any) applied to them.

multiple resolutions licensing

E.g. a link to the photo and embedding a thumbnail or small version of the photo:
<div class="item">
  <a class="item-url" href="photo.jpg">photograph:
   <img class="item-url" href="smallphoto.jpg" alt="small version of a photograph" />
  is licensed under a
  <a rel="item-license" href="">
   Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.0 license


Attribution information is indicated with the class name 'attribution':

attribution example to an author

<div class="item">
  <a class="item-url" href="photo.jpg">photograph</a>
  is licensed under a
  <a rel="item-license" href="">
   Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.0 license
  Please attribute the photo to <span class="attribution">Mary Smith</span>

with hCard for the author:

<div class="item">
  <a class="item-url" href="photo.jpg">photograph</a>
  is licensed under a
  <a rel="item-license" href="">
   Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.0 license
  Please attribute the photo to 
  <span class="attribution vcard">
    <span class="fn">Mary Smith</span>

with hyperlinked hCard for the author:

<div class="item">
  <a class="item-url" href="photo.jpg">photograph</a>
  is licensed under a
  <a rel="item-license" href="">
   Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.0 license
  Please attribute the photo to 
  <span class="attribution vcard">
    <a class=" fn url" href="">Mary Smith</a>

attribution example to original and author

<div class="item">
  <a class="item-url" href="photo.jpg">photograph</a>
  is licensed under a
  <a rel="item-license" href="">
   Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.0 license
  Please attribute the photo to 
  <span class="attribution vcard">
    <a class=" fn url" href="">Mary Smith</a>
  and link to 
  <a class="attribution" href="">the original photo page</a>.

attribution details

class name "attribution"

  1. if on a hyperlink (<a href>), the "href" indicates the suggested link to the original item that is being licensed and contains copyright information for the item being licensed.
  2. if on an hCard, the "fn" of the hCard indicates the name of an author/creator of the work, and the "url" indicates the URL that is suggested for linking to their name (prefer the first "url" with "uid" if any, otherwise the first "url" if the hCard has more than one).
  3. if not on a hyperlink nor an hCard, then the element indicates the name of an author/creator of the work.

see also