Geo Microformat BOF meeting notes
- Tantek Çelik
- Bud Gibson
- Chris Goad
- Ian Kallen
- Ryan King
- Edward Mac Gillavry of webmapper
- Kevin Marks
- Robert Thau
- Phil Torrone
- ... add your name if you were there, but not meantioned above.
[6:23:18 PM:] KevinMarks: Geo microformat BoF
[6:26:40 PM:] kingryan: tantek, kevin and i are at the geo microformats bof
[6:32:51 PM:] Tantek: doing intros
[6:33:00 PM:] * Tantek intro'd
[6:33:10 PM:] Tantek: Edward Mac Gillavry of webmapper
[6:33:18 PM:] Tantek: doing ICBM meta tags today
[6:33:25 PM:] Tantek: did a plugin/extension for Movable Type
[6:33:36 PM:] Tantek: Chris Goad
[6:33:44 PM:] Tantek: has been worrying about this thing for a few years
[6:33:56 PM:] Tantek: geolat and geolon tags
[6:34:03 PM:] Tantek: RDF fanatic/advocate
[6:34:22 PM:] Tantek: tend to gravitate to RSS 1.0 + geolat and geolong
[6:34:32 PM:] Tantek: Ryan King, grad student at USF, intern at Technorati
[6:35:03 PM:] Tantek: wants improvement on meta icbm
[6:35:10 PM:] Tantek: Robert Thau
[6:35:15 PM:] Tantek: long history, but particular thing is
[6:35:25 PM:] Tantek: got a project that might evolve to aggregate multiple sources of geocoded data
[6:35:40 PM:] Tantek: trying to figure out if there is something going here that he should lead, follow, or get out of the way
[6:35:46 PM:] Tantek: Kevin Marks, Technorati
[6:35:56 PM:] Tantek: 12-13 years ago, did a project called "3D Atlas"
[6:36:03 PM:] Tantek: home mapping program
[6:36:07 PM:] kingryan: did map pins
[6:36:17 PM:] kingryan: map pins = point + zoom level
[6:36:39 PM:] Tantek: key thing is, wants to add some amount of zoom level
[6:36:48 PM:] Tantek: Philip Torrone, MAKE magazine
[6:36:50 PM:] mokolabs: see ya
[6:36:58 PM:] Tantek: interested in helping people implement this
[6:37:04 PM:] Tantek: geotagging Flickr photos
[6:37:12 PM:] Tantek: using mappr site to geotag photos of projects
[6:37:18 PM:] Tantek: it's all hard
[6:37:22 PM:] Tantek: there is no collection of the data
[6:37:25 PM:] kingryan: data is all over the place
[6:37:33 PM:] Tantek: Bud Gibson
[6:37:39 PM:] Tantek: started a company called The Community Engine
[6:37:47 PM:] Tantek: help companies gain web visibility
[6:37:58 PM:] Tantek: heard Tantek give a talk along with Eric Meyer at SXSW
[6:38:03 PM:] Tantek: interested in social sharing of data
[6:38:13 PM:] Tantek: developed a microformat called xFolk
[6:38:19 PM:] Tantek: geo thing for him, is a more recent interest
[6:38:26 PM:] Tantek: adding another dimension to social interaction and archives
[6:38:27 PM:] kingryan: geo adds another dimension to social interaction
[6:38:34 PM:] Tantek: Ian Kallen, Technorati
[6:38:46 PM:] Tantek: interests with dealing with data that has a geometric data
[6:38:55 PM:] Tantek: dates back to about 10 years ago, when VRML was introduced
[6:39:33 PM:] Tantek: today, thinking about a lot of ideas that were percolating about visualization of data
[6:39:38 PM:] Tantek: latent data in blogosphere
[6:39:43 PM:] Tantek: places that people reference
[6:39:48 PM:] Tantek: places that people call home
[6:39:54 PM:] Tantek: jetsetters that post all over the place
[6:39:58 PM:] Tantek: homebodies that post from home
[6:40:04 PM:] Tantek: a lot to do to unlock this
[6:40:16 PM:] Tantek: would like to see latent data in there already, enriched
[6:40:26 PM:] Tantek: not necessarily build more stuff to depend on RDF or invisible data
[6:40:38 PM:] Tantek: better if it is part of the data people are already producing
[6:40:49 PM:] Tantek: would like to define something tools could build into the creation process
[6:40:59 PM:] Tantek: it should just be part of the natural creation process
[6:41:00 PM:] kingryan: make it part of the natural process of creation
[6:43:39 PM:] Tantek:
[6:47:10 PM:] Tantek: the author of MultiMap is going to post to CPAN a perl parser for European addresses
[6:47:39 PM:] kingryan: still reviewing
[6:47:57 PM:] kingryan: to add:
[6:49:59 PM:] kingryan: GML is an xml set of schemas for representing geo
[6:50:04 PM:] kingryan: its and OGC standard
[6:50:17 PM:] kingryan: GML is not a mapping of a previous standard
[6:50:36 PM:] kingryan: TODO: add archml to wiki
[6:51:15 PM:] adamhill: nhv: any clue how good/bad is GML?
[6:51:37 PM:] kingryan: WCS is a OGC standard
[6:51:42 PM:] kingryan: WCS= web coverage service
[6:52:42 PM:] kingryan: w3c has an rfidig
[6:52:58 PM:] KevinMarks:
[6:54:02 PM:] nhv: GML could work
[6:54:56 PM:] kingryan: mapping service urls could be considered another publishing format
[6:55:22 PM:] kingryan: nhv: I'm just transcribing what's going on here at our meeting
[6:56:00 PM:] kingryan: people publish mapping site urls
[6:56:06 PM:] kingryan: people publish named places
[6:56:16 PM:] kingryan: people publish postal codes
[6:56:28 PM:] kingryan: make mag. has a geo url button
[6:57:18 PM:] kingryan: geo in rss = place that relates to the post
[6:57:41 PM:] kingryan: gpx ?
[6:57:50 PM:] kingryan: gps xml format ?
[6:58:03 PM:] kingryan: ptorrone say: gps devices all have their own format
[6:58:09 PM:] kingryan: ...garmin has their own xml format
[6:58:16 PM:] kingryan: ...includes waypoints
[6:58:25 PM:] kingryan: one doing anything with it on the web
[6:58:29 PM:] kingryan: ...similar stuff for aircraft
[6:58:38 PM:] kingryan: ...convergence on gpx ?
[6:59:08 PM:] kingryan: for geo in rss, semantics are not defined
[6:59:27 PM:] kingryan: it just means there some association between the post and this place
[7:00:14 PM:] kingryan something proposed by ian davis ?
[7:00:21 PM:] kingryan: a way for creating urls for places ?
[7:00:24 PM:] kingryan: no adoption
[7:01:08 PM:] kingryan: tantek say: these things can be broken into two categories...
[7:01:18 PM:] kingryan: human readable, machine readable
[7:01:25 PM:] kingryan: kevin say: postcode a 3rd category
[7:03:00 PM:] kingryan: wgs84 - most widely understood lat/long spec
[7:03:06 PM:] kingryan: that's what gps uses
[7:04:01 PM:] kingryan: tantek say: people publish mostly with names and links
[7:04:07 PM:] kingryan: though they also do geo stuff
[7:04:52 PM:] kingryan: ian say: could something like plazes become a translation services between named places and machine coords
[7:05:11 PM:] kingryan: phil say: any greasmonkey translating between human and computer readable?
[7:05:24 PM:] kingryan: bud say : could tags be useful?
[7:05:35 PM:] kingryan: hayes valley and lookinig for a gym
[7:05:52 PM:] kingryan: could you look for the intersection of 'hayes valley' and 'gym' ?
[7:06:32 PM:] kingryan: tantek say : may need 2 microformats
[7:06:48 PM:] kingryan: .. vcard has done well to have an international schema
[7:07:00 PM:] kingryan: .. field names are supposed to be neutral
[7:07:27 PM:] kingryan: rsthau : japanse addresses have different structure
[7:07:37 PM:] Tantek: How are Japanese addresses represented in vCard?
[7:07:42 PM:] kingryan: is vcard in use in japan?
[7:08:02 PM:] kingryan: ptorrone say : in japan for a year and couldn't figure it out
[7:08:04 PM:] nhv:
[7:08:29 PM:] kingryan: tantek say: software supports vcard
[7:08:35 PM:] kingryan: .. software has been localized
[7:08:44 PM:] kingryan: .. did they port vcard? how?
[7:08:56 PM:] rsthau: Structure as I understand it...
[7:09:06 PM:] rsthau: Cities are carved up into blocks called (I think) chome
[7:09:24 PM:] rsthau: Address is: the chome, and the number of the building permit.
[7:10:14 PM:] rsthau: More info here:
[7:09:41 PM:] kingryan: tantek ask: could we just take the adr property out of vcard and use that for publishing?
[7:10:40 PM:] kingryan: vcard also has a property called geo
[7:10:45 PM:] kingryan: geo is outside the adr
[7:10:49 PM:] nhv:
[7:10:49 PM:] kingryan: no projection in vcard geo element
[7:10:58 PM:] kingryan: rfc2426
[7:11:44 PM:] kingryan: the spec doesn't specify the datum
[7:11:54 PM:] kingryan: should wgs84 be assumed?
[7:11:56 PM:] Tantek: default to WGS84
[7:12:00 PM:] kingryan: seems to be consenus on that
[7:12:06 PM:] kingryan: make sure that's in the microformat
[7:12:09 PM:] Tantek: microformat for geo should specify WGS84
[7:13:02 PM:] kingryan: who publishes in pure, visible lat/long?
[7:13:12 PM:] kingryan: über geeks might, geocachers might
[7:13:51 PM:] kingryan: microformats are constrainted to published stuff, typically exclude web services
[7:14:06 PM:] kingryan: people are already publishing data. can we just have people mark it up?
[7:14:39 PM:] kingryan: no, but we all have laptops
[7:14:59 PM:] adamhill: big player considerizing standardizing geo data:
[7:16:40 PM:] kingryan: can we put both geometric and human data?
[7:16:44 PM:] Tantek: Bud: would be nice if you could combine address and geo so they could be embedded in same microformat
[7:16:54 PM:] kingryan: bud say : can we use location tags? neighborhoods?
[7:17:19 PM:] kingryan: could overlay these things with
[7:17:41 PM:] kingryan: folkcartography++