To Do
This page is for posting microformats related shared to do items. If you want to use this page for your microformats related to-do items, create a section with your name on it. The reason we are keeping these all on the same page is to make it easier to tell when people are working on similar things, and to make it more obvious when people help out with other people's tasks. In theory this probably won't scale, but let's first see how it does in practice. :) - Tantek
I'm keeping a few microformats related to-do items here both for my own convenience, and in case anyone else is inspired to help out with any of these items. If so, just create a new section with your name, and and maybe copy the item there, and put your name next to the item in my list. We'll figure this out as we go along. Thanks, Tantek.
create microformats wiki pages for
- microformats history
- introduction of terms (when were microformats terms introduced, by whom, etc.)
- introduction of specs (when were microformats specifications first introduced)
- use the history on Technorati's developer wiki for evidence of earliest dates.
- use the presentations as a source as well.
improve usability and automation on the site
- figure out how to get wordpress to autopost blog posts to the microformats-announce list
- ideally use the from address of the author of the blog post
- maybe photomatt knows how to do this.
help with microformat examples in the wild
- help dglazkov markup
help with microformat implementations
- wordpress improvements
- WP admin for new profiles
- should simply read blog URL
- look for hcards and parse them
- WP admin for new profiles
New Person 1
New Person 2