Revision as of 19:54, 14 May 2007 by DenisDefreyne (talk | contribs) (hr is presentational, the HTML4 specs say so.)
Presentational (X)HTML
Presentational (X)HTML refers to:
- The presentational elements and attributes of (X)HTML (as opposed to the semantic HTML elements and attributes)
- (X)HTML documents that are written using presentational (X)HTML.
- The practice of writing presentational (X)HTML
Presentational Elements
Presentational elements sensu lato can be divided into two groups. "Pure" presentational elements (b, i, small, …) have no semantic meaning. "Abused" presentational elements (table, blockquote, …) have a semantic meaning, but are abused because of their default appearance in browsers (the blockquote element could be used for indenting text, for example).
(This list is incomplete, please add!)
- b
- basefont
- big
- br (when used for spacing, or when used inappropriately where a div or p would have been semantically correct)
- center
- font
- hr
- i
- s
- small
- strike
- tt
- u
- ...
- blockquote (when used for indenting text)
- table (when used for layout)
- ...
Presentational Attributes
(This list is incomplete, please add!)
- align
- alink
- bgcolor
- color
- face
- height
- link (on body)
- size (on font element)
- valign
- vlink
- width